December 15, 2010
IRC Hours Update: Winter Break
December 8, 2010
IRC Circulating: Material Kits
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Two-in-one 9 Piece Puzle
Kit 364 - The Very Books Block Puzzle
Kit 365 - Brown Bear: 24 Piece Floor Puzzle
Kit 366 - Yahtzee
Kit 367 - Monopoly Junior
Kit 368 - Connect 4
Kit 369 - Reading Riddle Maze: A Reading Comprehension Game
Kit 370 - Scrabble Crossword Game
Kit 371
December 7, 2010
Juvenile Books: Non-fiction
- Super Smart Information Strategies, Podcasting 101
TK5105.887.F65 2011 - Super Smart Information Strategies, Using Digital Images
TR267.R33 2011 - Super Smart Information Strategies, Shooting Video to Make Learning Fun
TR860.G74 2011 - Super Smart Information Strategies, Online Etiquette and Safety
TK5105.878.C67 2011 - Fort Mose: Ant the Story of theMan Who Built the First Free Black Settlement in Colonial America
F319.F734 T87 2010 - Alexander the Great
DF234.D46 2010 - The Bat Scientists
QL737.C5 C356 2010 - Skywalkers: Mohawk Ironworkers Build the City
E99.M8 W45 2010 - Sugar Changed the World: A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom, and Science
TP378.2.A767 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- The Book That Eats People
PZ7.P4388 Bo 2009 - The Hair of Zoe Fleefenbacher Goes to School
PZ7.A54385 Hai 2009 - The Plot Chickens
PZ7.A898 Pl 2009 - There Was an Old Monster
PZ8.3.E517 the 2009 - If I Were a Jungle Animal
PZ7.E4273 If 2009 - Finding Lincoln
PZ7.M2832 Fi 2009 - Lulu the Big Little Chick
PZ7.B63578 Lu 2009 - The Gingerbread Pirates
PZ7.K6762 Gi 2009 - Peace Week in Miss Fox's Class
PZ7.S7566 Pea 2009
Titles featured here are recent purchases of 2010 Children's Choice and Teacher's Choice winners, they will be placed on reserve for Dr. Rycik's Tradebooks and Technology class for the Spring 2011 and Fall 2011 academic term.
The Children's Choices Reading List, "cosponsored by IRA and the Children’s Book Council," is announced "each year in the October issue of The Reading Teacher." This is "A reading list with a twist! Children themselves evaluate the books and write reviews of their favorites."
The Teacher's Choices Reading List, is announced each year in the November issue of The Reading Teacher."These are books that kids will enjoy—and that contribute to learning across the curriculum."
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- I am the Dog
PZ7.P6335 Iab 2010 - The Odious Ogre
PZ7.J98 Od 2010 - Pecan Pie Baby
PZ7.W868 Pec 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- Moon Over Manifest
PZ7.V2832 Mo 2010 - Zora and Me
PZ7.B63693 Zo 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- The Other Side of Dark
PZ7.S65918 Oth 2010 - Three Quarters Dead
PZ7.P338 Thr 2010
December 6, 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- A Long Walk to Water: A Novel
PZ7.P22115 Lo 2010 - Dangerous Neighbors: A Novel
PZ7.K442 Dan 2010 - Finding Family
PZ7.B6362 Fi 2010 - Lulu and the Brontosaurus
PZ7.V816 Lul 2010 - What Happened on Fox Street
PZ7.S76849 Wha 2010
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
- The Little Brainwaves Investigate -- Human Body
QP37.B566 2010 - Follow it! Learn About Shadows
QV391.6.H35 2010 - The Stock Market
HG4553.C665 2011 - Even or Odd?
QA141.15.M278 2011 - ADHD
RJ506.H9 F37 2011 - Skin Cancer
RC280.S5 G65 2011
AU Circulating: Education
AU Circulating: General
- The Poets Laureate Anthology
PS591.P63 P64 2010 - The Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21st Century
S494.5.U72 D47 2010 - The Foreign Film Renaissance on American Screens, 1946-1973
PN1995.9.F67 B35 2010 - Morning Miracle: Inside the Washington Post: A Great Newspaper Fights for its Life
PN4899.W31 W346 2010 - White Coat, Black Hat: Adventures on the Dark Side of Medicine
R724.E385 2010 - A Complicated Man: The Life of Bill Clinton as Told by Those Who Know Him
E886.T35 2010
December 2, 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- Songs for A Teenage Nomad
PZ7.C8945 Son 2010 - Mindblind
PZ7.R812 Mi 2010 - The Mermaid's Mirror
PZ7.M2575 Mer 2010 - Forge
PZ7.A54385 For 2010 - Revolution
PZ7.D7194 Re 2010 - The Things a Brother Knows
PZ7.R2768 Thi 2010 - Beatle Meets Destiny
PZ7.W6587 Be 2010 - The Danger Box
PZ7.B2128 Dan 2010 - The Limit
PZ7.L2297 Li 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- Guys Read: Funny Business
PZ5.G96 2010 - One Square Inch
PZ7.M63963 On 2010 - Penny Dreadful
PZ7.S6835 Pe 2010
Juvenile Books: Holiday
- Li'l Rabbit's Kwanzaa
PZ7.W2582 Li 2010 - Snow Happy!
PZ8.2.H848 Sn 2010 - Santa Duck and His Merry Helpers
PZ7.M9599 Sap 2010 - Doodlebug: A Novel in Doodles
PZ7.Y8665 Do 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Zero
PZ7.O877 Z47 2010 - A Song for Jamela
PZ7.D1715 son 2010 - April and Esme, Tooth Fairies
PZ7.G751667 Ap 2010 - Chicken Big
PZ7.G774 Ch 2010 - Ernest, The Moose Who Doesn't Fit
PZ7.R2297 Er 2010 - The Legend of the Golden Snail
PZ7.B29 Le 2010 - The Fantastic 5 & 10 Store: A Rebus Adventure
PZ8.3.L587 Fan 2010 - Betsy Red Hoodie
PZ7.L578345 Bb 2010 - Welcome to My Neighborhood! A Barrio ABC
PZ8.3.H8557 Wel 2010 - Otto: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear
PZ7.U43 Ot 2010 - Polar Opposites
PZ7.B7935 Po 2010
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novel
- The Little Prince
PZ7.7.S495 Li 2010
Juvenile Books: Non-fiction
- How the Sphinx Got to the Museum
DT87.15.H36 2010 - The Brave Escape of Edith Wharton: A Biography
PS3545.H16 Z943 2010 - Why Do Elephants Need the Sun?
QB521.5.W448 2010 - 1+1=5 and Other Unlikely Additions
QA115.L37 2010 - I Like to Play
GV182.9.K66 2010 - Ultimate Trains
TF148.M34 2010 - Henry Knox: Bookseller, Soldier, Patriot
E207.K74 S56 2010
AU Circulating: General
November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving Break Hours

Monday, November 29th the IRC will be closed 11 am to 1 pm.
Please visit the IRC web site for additional hours updates.
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 15, 2010
Update: Roll-Top Laminator
- Desk top laminating machines remain available for small items, 9 x 11 sheets are $1.00 per page.
- A low-cost alternative to laminating is clear contact paper. This may be purchased at many retailers such as Walmart, Target, or DrugMart.
Irwins Office Supplies has laminating services, 143 Center Street in Ashland. A map and directions to Irwins are available at the library main desk and in the IRC. It's a relatively short walk from campus; be sure to call ahead to verify pricing and hours of operation (419-289-3400).

November 12, 2010
AU Circulating: Education & Technology
- Retool Your School: The Educator's Essential Guide to Google's Free Power Apps
LB1044.87.L46 2010 - Teaching with Digital Video: Watch, Analyze, Create
LB1028.75.T43 2010
AU Circulating
Juvenile Books
- La linea verde:un paseo por el parque
PZ73.F377 Lin 2009 - Juliette la rainette / Julieta ranita
PZ73.K756 Jul 2009
Juvenile Books
- Three Little Kittens
PZ8.3.P5594 Thr 2010 - 13 Words
PZ7.S6795 Aad 2010 - Rain School
PZ7.R8878 Rai 2010 - No
PZ7.R855 No 2010
AU Circulating: Graphic Novels
- Temperance
PN6727.M242 T46 2010 - Moving Pictures
PN6733.I46 M68 2010
November 2, 2010
Roll-Top Laminator
Irwins Office Supplies has laminating services, 143 Center Street in Ashland. A map and directions to Irwins are available at the library main desk and in the IRC. It's a relatively short walk from campus; be sure to call ahead to verify pricing and hours of operation (419-289-3400).

November 1, 2010
Kappa Delta Pi: Technology Night

October 20, 2010
Juvenile Books: Halloween Picture Books
- The Story of the Jack O'Lantern
PZ8.1.T253 St 2010 - The Halloween Kid
PZ7.M7688 hal 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- You
PZ7.B4471 You 2010 - The Cruisers
PZ7.M992 Cru 2010 - Monsters of Men
PZ7.N43843 Mon 2010 - The 10 p.m. Question
PZ7.D3507 Aad 2010 - The Curse of the Wendigo
PZ7.Y19197 Cu 2010
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
- Yummy: The Last Days of a Southside Shorty
F548.9.N4 N47 2010 - Howling Hurricanes
QC944.2.S725 2010 - 100 Ways to Celebrate 100 Days
QA113.G65 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Guyku: A Year of Haiku for Boys
PS3618.A346 G89 2010 - The 3 Little Dassies
PZ8.1.B755 th 2010 - Emma's Friendwich
PZ7.M9563 Em 2010 - Knuffle Bunny Free: An Unexpected Diversion
PZ7.W65535 Knf 2010 - Mr. President Goes to School
PZ7.W1774 Mr 2010
IRC Reference
October 12, 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- I Don't Want a Cool Cat!
PZ8.3.D636 Iad 2010 - Franklin's Big Dreams
PZ7.T21934 Fr 2010 - Sleepy, Oh So Sleepy
PZ7.F5994 Sl 2010 - Elise's Bird
PZ7.Y78 El 2010 - The Chicken Thief
PZ7.R6188 Ch 2010 - The Lonely Phonebooth
PZ7.A18255 Lon 2010 - Miss Tutu's Star
PZ8.3.N472 Mis 2010 - Mostly Monsterly
PZ7.S2502 Mos 2010 - If You're a Monster and You Know it
PZ8.3.E517 if 2010 - Balancing Act
PZ7.W1675 Bal 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Dust Devil
PZ7.I762 Dus 2010 - Lively Elizabeth! What Happens When You Push
PZ7.B4527 Li 2010 - Children Make Terrible Pets
PZ7.B81668 Chi 2010 - A Pig Parade is a Terrible Idea
PZ7.B5292 Pig 2010 - Nini Lost and Found
PZ7.L7794 Nip 2010 - Art & Max
PZ7.W6367 Art 2010 - Roslyn Rutabaga and the Biggest Hole on Earth
PZ7.G2375 Ros 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- Ninth Ward
PZ7.R3476 Ni 2010 - The Mourning Wars
PZ7.S8276 Mo 2010 - The Fences Between Us: The Diary of Piper Davis
PZ7.L324 Fe 2010 - The Other Half of My Heart
PZ7.F8715 Ot 2010 - Tumbleweed Skies
PZ7.S5486 Tu 2010 - Fish
PZ7.M742 Fis 2010 - The Adventures of Nanny Piggins
PZ7.S76826 Ad 2010 - Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation
PZ7.M994 Jac 2010 - The Familiars
PZ7.E7248 Fam 2011 - Search for WondLa
PZ7.D6252 Se 2010 - Brains for Lunch: A Zombit Novel in Haiku?!
PZ7.5.H653 Br 2010 - Scumble
PZ7.L433 Scu 2010 - The Toymaker
PZ7.D423 To 2010
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
- Shattering Earthquakes
QE521.3.S657 2010 - Sweeping Tsunamis
GC221.5.S69 2010 - Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave
NK4210.D247 H55 2010 - Amazing Animals
QL49.J636 2010 - Weather
QC863.5.C4.6 2010
October 11, 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Bravo!
PZ73.G842 Br 2010 - Carmen Learns English
PZ7.C83835 Car 2010 - Floating on Mama's Song / Laura Lacámara
PZ73.L213 Flo 2010
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
- Math
QA40.5.G74 2010 - Meet Our New Student From Japan
DS806.M323 2010 - Ain't Nothing But a Man: My Quest to Find the Real John Henry
E185.97.H455 N445 2008 - Bullying and Me: Schoolyard Stories
BF637.B85 S53 2010 - Layfayette and the American Revolution
E207.L2 F86 2010 - They Called Themselves the KKK: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group
HS2330.K63 B37 2010 - Food Choices: The Ultimate Teen Guide
RA784.B73 2010 - The Kingfisher Atlas of World History
D20.A33 2010 - We Want You to Know: Kids Talk About Bullying
BF637.B85 E45 2010 - Anorexia and Bulimia
RC552.A5 S66 2011
AU Circulating: Education
- From Fear to Facebook: One Schools Journey
LB1028.38.L48 2010 - Free for All: Fixing School Food in America
LB3479.U6 P55 2010 - Bringing Reading Research to Life
LB1050.6.B75 2010
AU Circulating: General
October 8, 2010
Juvenile Books: Halloween Picture Books
- AlphaOops! H is for Halloween
PZ7.K8355 Alh 2010 - The Very Best Pumpkin
PZ7.M8613 Ver 2010 - Hallowilloween: Nefarious Silliness From Calef Brown
PS3552.R6852 H36 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- Livvie Owen Lived Here
PZ7.D72652 Li 2010 - Saving Sky
PZ7.S7869 Sav 2010 - The Nightmarys
PZ7.P7493 Nig 2010 - No Safe Place
PZ7.E469 No 2010 - Crazy
PZ7.N6783 Cra 2010 - The Julian Game
PZ7.G881325 Ju 2010 - Heart to Heart
PZ7.M4784172 He 2010 - Payback Time
PZ7.D493 Pay 2010 - Three Black Swans
PZ7.C7834 Th 2010 - Half Brother
PZ7.O614 Hal 2010 - Black Hole Sun
PZ7.G3985 Bl 2010 - Hothouse
PZ7.L9845 Hot 2010 - Accomplice
PZ7.C8167 Ac 2010 - Rose Sees Red
PZ7.C26865 Ro 2010 - The Interrogation of Gabriel James
PZ7.P92477 In 2010
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novels
- Salem Brownstone: All Along the Watchtowers
PZ7.7.D89 Sal 2010 - There's a Princess in the Palace
PZ8.1.A467 Tf 2010 - Trickster: Native American Tales: A Graphic Collection
E98.F6 T73 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- Magenta McPhee
PZ7.B3222 Mag 2010 - The Very Little Princess
PZ7.B3262 Ve 2010 - The Boy Who Climbed into the Moon
PZ7.A448 bo 2010 - Happy Birthday, Sophie Hartley
PZ7.G8434 Hap 2010 - Gator on the Loose
PZ7.S81055 Gat 2010 - Justin Case: School, Drool, and Other Daily Disasters
PZ7.V1916 Ju 2010 - My Life as a Book
PZ7.T211135 My 2010 - Glitter Girls and the Great Fake Out
PZ7.C11165 Gl 2010 - Big Nate: In a Class By Himself
PZ7.P361 Bi 2010 - Lawn Boy Returns
PZ7.P2843 Lax 2010 - Crunch
PZ7.C7644 Cr 2010 - Princess Posey and the First Grade Parade
PZ7.G8434 Pri 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- Folly
PZ7.J579 Fo 2010 - The Red Pyramid
PZ7.R478 Red 2010 - The River
PZ7.B38057 Riv 2010 - Sources of Light
PZ7.M478788 so 2010 - The Hard Kind of Promise
PZ7.W683675 Har 2010 - The Six Rules of Maybe
PZ7.C1264 Six 2010 - The Ghosts of Ashbury High
PZ7.M826727 Gho 2010 - Thomas and the Dragon Queen
PZ7.C8882 Tg 2010 - Bamboo People
PZ7.P4315 Bam 2010 - The Wager
PZ7.N15 Wag 2010 - Nomansland
PZ7.H28655 No 2010 - Queen of Secrets
PZ7.M5728 Qu 2010 - Wolves, Boys, and Other Things that Might Kill Me
PZ7.C3587 Wo 2010 - For Keeps
PZ7.F91535 For 2010 - Butterfly
PZ7.H267387 But 2010 - The Grimm Legacy
PZ7.S559474 Gr 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Snook Alone
PZ7.N43557 Sn 2010 - A Sick Day for Amos McGee
PZ7.8082 Si 2010 - Alfie Runs Away
PZ7.C1178 Alf 2010 - Farm
PZ7.C7847 Far 2010 - I Can Help
PZ7.C8228 Iac 2010 - Read to Tiger
PZ7.F7572 Re 2010 - Starring the Boss Baby as Himself!
PZ7.F866 Bo 2011 - Lucky Beans
PZ7.B52337 Luc 2010 - Push Button
PZ8.3.A389 Pu 2010 - The Trucker
PZ7.S1925 Tr 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Mr. Putney's Quacking Dog
PN6371.5.A348 2010 - Windows with Birds
PZ7.R519 Wi 2010 - When Jack Goes Out
PZ7.S3763 Wh 2010 - Tiger and Turtle
PZ7.R8878 Tig 2010 - Ugly Pie
PZ7.W5657 Ug 2009 - Joha Makes a Wish: A Middle Eastern Tale
PZ7.K5648 Jo 2010 - Cat the Cat, Who is That?
PZ7.W65535 Cat 2010 - Let's Say Hi To Friends Who Fly!
PZ7.W65535 Let 2010 - Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!
PZ10.3.S277 Tu 2010 - Pink Me Up
PZ7.H2306 Pin 2010 - Slow Down for Manatees
PZ10.3.A869 Sl 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- In the Wild
PS3555.L576 I6 2010 - Piggy Pie Po: 3 Little Stories
PZ8.3.W848 Pi 2010 - Little Black Crow
PZ8.3.R1768 Li 2010 - Clever Jack Takes the Cake
PZ8.F5775 Cl 2010
October 6, 2010
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
- Dinosaur Mountain: Digging into the Jurassic Age
QE861.8.C6 R39 2010 - Emma's Poem: The Voice of The Statue of Liberty
PS2234.G55 2010 - Ballet for Martha: Making Appalachian Spring
GV1790.A67 G74 2010 - Growing Patterns: Fibonacci Numbers in Nature
QA246.5.C36 2010 - For Good Measure: The Way We Say How Much, How Far, How Heavy, How Big, How Old
QC88.R63 2010 - The Buffalo are Back
QL737.U53 G457 2010 - Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum
TX799.M33 2010 - A Wizard from the Start: The Incredible Boyhood & Amazing Inventions of Thomas Edison
TK140.E3 B76 2010 - Lincoln Tells a Joke: How Laughter Saved the President (and the Country)
E457.905.K78 2010 - Bones: Skeletons and How They Work
QL821.J46 2010
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
- A Gift From Childhood: Memories of an African Boyhood
PZ7.D5415 Gif 2010 - Driven: A Photobiography of Henry Ford
TL140.F6 M59 2010 - The Cowgirl Way: Hats Off to America's Women of the West
F596.G46 2010 - Planet Hunter: Geoff Marcy and the Search for Other Earths
QB820.W58 2010 - Saving the Baghdad Zoo: A True Story of Hope and Heroes
QL76.5.I722 B342 2010
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novel
- Koko Be Good
PN6727.W284 K65 2010
September 27, 2010
September 24, 2010
IRC Hours Update

Color printing, laminating, the Ellison Machine, and other services offered inside the IRC will not be available. We will re-open on Monday following regular hours.
September 23, 2010
Curriculum Textbooks: Math
- Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. K, Student vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. K, TE, vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. 1, Student, vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. 1, TE, vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. 2, Student, vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. 2, TE, vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. 3, Student, vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. 3, TE, vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. 4, Student, vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. 4, TE, vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. 5, Student, vol 1 & 2 - Math Expressions
Math Houg 2009 Gr. 5, TE, vol 1 & 2
September 21, 2010
Curriculum Textbooks: Language Arts
- Scott Foresman Reading Street
LANG Pear 2011 Gr. K, 13 volumes - Scott Foresman Reading Street
LANG Pear 2011 Gr. 1, 13 volumes - Scott Foresman Reading Street
LANG Pear 2011 Gr. 2, 13 volumes - Scott Foresman Reading Street
LANG Pear 2011 Gr. 3, 13 volumes - Scott Foresman Reading Street
LANG Pear 2011 Gr. 4, 13 volumes - Scott Foresman Reading Street
LANG Pear 2011 Gr. 5, 13 volumes - Soctt Foresman Reading Street
LANG Pear 2011 Gr. 6, 13 volumes
September 20, 2010
Big Books new home
Call numbers are located at the top left / bottom left side next to the spine of each book. Additionally call numbers remain the same, library of congress for juvenile literature; the collection has the added functionality of browse-ability.
Hanging bags will make it easier to transport big books to and from the library and provide protection for the book during inclement weather. Stop in and see the new big book area the next time you are in the library.
September 17, 2010
Coming Soon! New Big Book Area

To here ... behind the activity books, between the audio books and book kits. Each big book will be placed in a large hanging bag making it simpler to locate and browse the collection. This afternoon the shelving was put in place and the collection move is scheduled for Monday.

September 14, 2010
AU Circulating: Graphic Novel
The following book has been added to the library circulating collection. You will find it shelved in the new books display on the main floor of the library or in it's regular location.
- Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love
PN6728.C562 R63 2010
September 8, 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- I Fooled You: Ten Stories of Tricks, Jokes, and Switcheroos
PZ5.I215 2010 - The Storyteller's Secrets
PZ8.M699 St 2010 - Fourth Grade Fuss
PZ7.H9574 Fo 2004 - Squirrel World
PZ7.H9574 Sq 2007 - Mighty Monty
PZ7.H9574 Mi 2008 - Emily's Fortune
PZ7.N24 Em 2010 - The Treasure of Dead Man's Lane and Other Case Files
PZ7.C4243 Tre 2009 - Emma's River
PZ7.H2562 Em 2010 - House of Dolls
PZ7.B61945 Ho 2010
Juvenile Books: Fiction
- Ship Breaker
PZ7.B1335 Sh 2010 - The Secret to Lying
PZ7.M6957 Sec 2010 - Legacies
PZ7.L13543 Le 2010 - Take Me There
PZ7.D3508 Tak 2010 - Change of Heart
PZ7.M4458 Ch 2010 - Heart of a Samurai: Based on the True Story of Nakahama Manjjiro
PZ7.P9243 He 2010 - The Deadly Sister
PZ7.S3784 De 2010 - The Fat BoyChronicles: Inspired by a True Story
PZ7.L264 Fat 2010 - Wicked Girls: A Novel of the Salem Witch Trial
PZ7.5.H44 Wi 2010 - Freak Magnet
PZ7.A9194 Fr 2010 - The View From the Top
PZ7.F8493 Vie 2010 - The Summer of Moonlight
PZ7.H31363 Su 2010 - The Lighter Side of Life and Death
PZ7.M3648 Lig 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Guinea Pigs Add Up
PZ8.3.C954 Gui 2010 - Red Green Blue: A First Book of Colors
PZ8.3.J37 Re 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Don't Call Me Sidney
PZ7.S9682 Don 2010 - Ling & Ting: Not Exactly the Same
PZ7.L644 Lin 2010 - Amazing Monty
PZ7.H574 Am 2010 - Boo Cow
PZ7.B1387 Bo 2010 - The Can Man
PZ7.W66658 Can 2010 - The Village Garage
PZ7.K1296 Vi 2010 - Dotty
PZ7.P4318 Do 2010 - The Dollhouse Fairy
PZ7.R2101323 Dol 2009 - This School Year Will be the Best!
PZ7.W7675 Th 2010 - The Pirate of Kindergarten
PZ7.L9954 Pi 2010 - The Clock Without a Face: A Gus Twintig Mystery
PZ7.T254 Cl 2010 - Basil's Birds
PZ7.R2537 Bas 2010 - My Story About me by Mimi, or, Mimi's Dad Catifesto
PZ7.1375 My 2010 - The Junkyard Wonders
PZ7.P75186 Jtt 2010
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
- Lots of Spots
QL759.E38 2010 - Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night
PS3569.I295 D37 2010
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
- Make it Wild! 101 Things to Make and Do Outdoors
TT157.S36 2010 - Meet Our New Student From Quebec
F1052.4.W45 2010 - Meet Our New Student From India
DS407.E39 2010 - Disasters: Natural and Man-Made Catastrophes Through the Centuries
GB5014.G83 2010 - The War to End All Wars: World War I
D522.F74 2010 - Oceans and Seas
QL122.2.S285 2010 - Planet Earth
QE29.G553 2010
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novel
- The Sons of Liberty
PN6727.L355 S66 2010
IRC Reference

- Literature Links to American History, 7-12: Resources to Enhance and Entice
Z1236.A35 2010 - A to Zoo: Subject Access to Children's Picture Books, 8th ed.
Z1037.L715 2010 - Best Books for Children: Preschool Through Grade 6, 9th ed.
Z1037.G48 2010 - Literature Links to World History, K-12: Resources to Enhance and Entice
Z1037.A1 A283 2010 - Coast to Coast: Exploring State Book Awards
PS490.H54 2010
September 7, 2010
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
- Biblioburro: A True Story from Columbia
Z720.S67 W56 2010 - The Firehouse Light
TH9148.N65 2010 - Sustaining the Environment
GE195.5.A52 2010 - That's Like Me! Stories About Amazing People with Learning Disabilities
LC4818.5.L39 2009 - Ending Poverty and Hunger
HC79.P6 A63 2010
IRC Circulating: Activity Books
- Kids in the Kitchen
ACTIV Cook 2010 Gr. P-K - Instant Activities: More than 400 Skill Builders You Can Use Today
ACTIV Craft 2010 Gr. P-K - Classroom Management
ACTIV Teach 2010 P-K - Arts & Crafts for Favorite Themes: Over 250 All-New Art Activities
ACTIV Craft 2010 Gr. P-1 - Themes. PreK-K
ACTIV Gen 2010 - Everything Nursery Rhymes: Timesaving Tools for Important Skills Practice
ACTIV Lang 2010 Gr. P-K - Mix and Match Games
ACTIV Math 2008 Gr. 1 - Songs & Rhymes for Little Learners: Over 80 Fun and Upbeat Ways to Build Early Learning Skills
ACTIV Mus 2010 Gr. P-K - Science
ACTIV Scie 2010 Gr. P-K - Classroom Management
ACTIV Teach 2010 Gr. 1-3
Curriculum Textbooks: Math
- MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. K Student Text - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. K TE - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 1 Student Text - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 1 TE - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 2 Student Text - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 2 TE - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 3 Student Text - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 3 TE - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 4 Student Text - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 4 TE - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 5 Student Text - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 5 TE - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 6 Student Text - MCP Mathematics
Math Dale 2005, Gr. 6 TE
Curriculum Textbook: Business
- Glencoe Introduction to Business
BUS Glen 2008 Gr. 9-12, Student Text - Glencoe Introduction to Business
BUS Glen 2008 Gr. 9-12, TE
Curriculum Textbooks: Algebra
- Algebra Readiness
ALG Pren 2010 Gr. 7-8, Student Text - Algebra Readiness
ALG Pren 2010 Gr. 7-8, TE
Curriculum Textbooks: Math
- Prentice Hall Mathematics, Course 1
COL Math Pren 2010 Gr. 6, Student Text - Prentice Hall Mathematics, Course 1
COL Math Pren 2010 Gr. 6, TE - Prentice Hall Mathematics, Course 2
COL Math Pren 2010 Gr. 7, Student Text - Prentice Hall Mathematics, Course 2
COL Math Pren 2010 Gr. 7, TE - Prentice Hall Mathematics, Course 3
COL Math Pren 2010 Gr. 8, Student Text - Prentice Hall Mathematics, Course 3
COL Math Pren 2010 Gr. 8, TE
September 5, 2010
September 2, 2010
AU Circulating: Education
- Storytelling: Art and Technique
LB1042.B34 2010 - Art and Disability: The Social and Political Struggles Facing Education
LC4025 .W49 2009 - The Flat World and Education: How America's Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future
LC213.D37 2010 - Changing the Odds for Children At Risk: Seven Essential Principles of Educational Programs that Break the Cycle of Poverty
LC4094.N44 2009b - The Ordeal of Equality: Did Federal Regulation Fix the Schools?
LC4069.C56 2009 - Student Teaching and the Law
KF4190.S8 Z57 2009 - Understanding Education: A Sociological Perspective
LC191.G49 2009 - Kids, Computers, and Learning: An Activity Guide for Parents
LB1028.3.P57 2010 - Making Large Schools Work: The Advantages of Small Schools
LB3012.5.S48 2009
August 31, 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Beaver is Lost
PZ10.3.C779 Be 2010 - A Fabulous Fair Alphabet
PZ7.F8654 Fab 2010 - It's a Book
PZ7.S6538 Its 2010 - Wonder Horse: The True Story of the World's Smartest Horse
PZ7.M478415 Wo 2010 - Flora's Very Windy Day
PZ7.B51197 fl 2010 - Brontorina
PZ7.H83727 Br 2010 - City Dog, Country Frog
PZ7.W65535 Cit 2010 - Buzz
PZ7.S7566 Bu 2010 - Mama, Is It Summer Yet?
PZ7.M1342 Mam 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Lots of Spots
QL759.E38 2010 - Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night
PS3569.I295 D37 2010
August 30, 2010
Update: EBSCO Access
Thank you for your patience.
August 29, 2010
Bradford Network: On campus access
We recommend you access databases through the OhioLINK web site.
This may or may not be a result of the new Bradford Network system. View the IT FAQ brochure to learn more. Please note the following update for returning students using the old Bradford Network system:
ATTENTION RETURNING STUDENTS: BEFORE you connect your computer to our network using wired OR wireless, you MUST UNINSTALL the Bradford Persistent Agent.-- IT FAQ Page
Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this problem.
Post originally published on the AU Library News Blog.
August 27, 2010
IRC Hours

The Instructional Resource Center is open on Saturday from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and Sunday from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. The IRC hours and updates calendar is posted on the IRC web site.
August 20, 2010
August 16, 2010
IRC Hours Update: August 16-20
- Monday, 8/16 - closed noon - 2 pm
- Thursday, 8/19 - closed noon - 2 pm
The library and IRC close at 5:00 pm this week.
August 6, 2010
IRC Hours Update
A complete schedule of IRC hours is available on the IRC web site.

August 3, 2010
Campus Wide Power Outage Scheduled
"On Thursday, August 5, there will be a scheduled campus wide power outage from 10 p.m. to 12 midnight for Ohio Edison service on the main substation. All campus buildings except the senior apartments will be without electricity (designated emergency power circuits in Kettering Sciences will run off the generator). In addition, all phone and information technology services (email, Angel, Internet access, etc.) will also be unavailable starting at 9 p.m. and will be back online early Friday morning following restoration of power." -8/3/10
The entire campus network system will be unavailable during this time. Systems affected include, but are not limited to, Angel, WebAdvisor, Exchange Email, Internet access, network printing, network file systems, Kronos, Datatel/Colleague, and Cbord.
July 26, 2010
Hours Update: Library

July 31st - August 22nd
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
Instructional Resource Center hours and updates are posted on the IRC web site. The library is closed on Saturday, July 31st.
July 15, 2010
AU Circulating: DVD
- School of Life
DVD 0713
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Signed, Abiah Rose
PZ7.B8222 Sig 2009 - Here Comes the Garbage Barge
PZ7.W7552 Her 2010
July 9, 2010
AU Circulating: Education & Technology

- 21st Century Skills: Rethinking How Students Learn
LB1134.A22 2010 - Digital Storytelling Guide for Educators
LB1042.F73 2010 - The Computer Lab Teacher's Survival Guide: K-6 Units for the Whole Year
LB1028.43.P673 2010
AU Circulating: Education
- Literacy and Power
LC158.S6 J36 2010
July 8, 2010
Curriculum Textbooks: History
- The American Vision: Modern Times
HIST Glen 2010 Gr. 9-12, Student Text - The American Vision: Modern Times
HIST Glen 2010 Gr. 9-12, TE - The American Vision
HIST Glen 2010 Gr. 9-12, Student Text - The American Vision
HIST Glen 2010 Gr. 9-12, TE
Curriculum Textbooks: World History
- World History
WDHIST Glen 2010 Gr. 9-12, Student Text - World History
WDHIST Glen 2010 Gr. 9-12, TE - Glencoe World History: Modern Times
WDHIST Glen 2010 Gr. 9-12, Student Text - Glencoe World History: Modern Times
WDHIST Glen 2010 Gr. 9-12, TE
Curriculum Textbooks: Social Studies
- Exploring Our World: People, Places, and Cultures
SOCST Glen 2010 Gr. 6-8, Student Text - Exploring Our World: People, Places, and Cultures
SOCST Glen 2010 Gr. 6-8, TE
Curriculum Textbooks: Spanish
The following curriculum textbooks have been added to the textbook collection. They will be shelved in the curriculum textbook annex directly outside of the Instructional Resource Center, Library second floor.
- ¡Así se dice! : Glencoe Spanish
SPAN Glen 2009 Gr. 9, v. 1, TE - ¡Así se dice! : Glencoe Spanish
SPAN Glen 2009 Gr. 10, v. 2, TE
Curriculum Textbooks: Civics
- Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, and You
GOVT Glen 2010 Gr. 6-8, Student Text - Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, and You
GOVT Glen 2010 Gr. 6-8, TE
Curriculum Textbooks: General
- The Developing Child
CHLD Glen 2010, Student Text
Curriculum Textbooks: General Business
- Glencoe Introduction to Business
BUS Glen 2008 Gr 9-12, TE
Curriculum Textbooks: Algebra
- Algebra 1
ALG Holt 2011 Gr. 9-12, Student Text - Algebra 1
ALG Hold 2011 Gr. 9-12, TE - Algebra 2
ALG Holt 2011 Gr. 9-12, Student Text - Algebra 2
ALG Holt 2011 Gr. 9-12, TE
Curriculum Textbooks: Geometry
Curriculum Textbooks: Math
- Mathematics for Business and Personal Finance
MATH Glen 2010 Gr. 9-12, Student Text - Mathematics for Business and Personal Finance
MATH Glen 2010 Gr. 9-12, TE
July 7, 2010
OhioLINK: Quick Search

"Quicksearch (and Article Search) is currently down. We thank you for your patience as our system engineers work to resolve the problem."
All other OhioLINK services remain available.
July 6, 2010
IRC Update: 2nd Floor air conditioner
I am thrilled to announce there was no damage sustained by any of the second floor's education, curriculum, or juvenile collections. However, as we await repairs to the unit, it will be very warm on the second floor.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Juvenile Books: Historical Fiction
- Picture the Dead
PZ7.G881325 Pi 2010 - Countdown
PZ7.W6474 Co 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- The All-American Jump and Jive Jig
PZ8.3.P9367 Al 2010 - Bear in the Air
PZ8.3.M5599 Be 2010 - Whatever Happened to The Pony Express
PZ8.3.K221 Wh 2010