February 27, 2020

IRC Hours: February 28

The Instructional Resource Center will open at 9:00 am on Friday, February 28.  A complete listing of IRC hours and updates is available on our website.

IRC Hours: February 27

The Instructional Resource Center will be closed from noon to 3 p.m. today.  A complete listing of IRC hours and updates is available on our website.

February 20, 2020

IRC Pinterest: Black History Month

Are you looking for Black History Month resources?

Visit the IRC on Pinterest for a selection of Black History Month titles including juvenile fiction, non-fiction, and a variety of internet resources.  Don't forget to check out the 2nd floor's new book area for additional titles. Books featured on IRC Pinterest are part of the main juvenile collection, located on the second floor of AU Library.

Need help with a book?
Ask in the Instructional Resource Center locating children's books.

Follow IRC's board Black History Month on Pinterest.

February 18, 2020

2020 Alex Award Winners

The following titles have been recognized with ALA's Alex Award distinction; they have have been added to the library's recreational reading collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display or in their regular location on AU Library main floor.

About the Alex Awards
"The Alex Awards are given to ten books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults, ages 12 through 18. The winning titles are selected from the previous year's publishing. The Alex Awards were first given annually beginning in 1998 and became an official ALA award in 2002." - Alex Awards, YALSA

Alex Award titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction.

February 17, 2020

IRC Pinterest: President's Day

February 17th is President's Day. Visit the IRC on Pinterest for a selection of President's Day resources. Featured titles, both fiction and non-fiction, are part of the main juvenile collection and located on the second floor of AU Library.

Need help locating a children's book?
Stop in the Instructional Resource Center, we can help.

Follow IRC's board Presidents Day on Pinterest.

February 7, 2020

IRC Pinterest: Valentine's Day

Bee our Valentine!

Our February IRC whiteboard presents a fun heart-filled display perfect for the holiday.

If you are looking for a Valentine's Day picture book to share, IRC Pinterest has a board for that. Our Valentines Day Pinterest board includes A Valentine for Frankenstein, Snowy Valentine, Here Come's Valentine Cat, and Mr. Goat's Valentine.

As always, check out the 2nd floor new books area for recent additions to the juvenile collection.

Follow IRC @ Ashland University Library's board Valentine's Day on Pinterest.

February 6, 2020

IRC Hours Update:

The Instructional Resource Center will open at 9:00 am on Friday, February 7th,  A complete listing of IRC hours and updates is available on our website.

February 3, 2020

AU Librarly Podcast: Episode 4, Tutoring Programs

Welcome to Episode 4 of the Ashland University Library Podcast, our first of 2020! The topic for this episode is student support services, focusing on Ashland University’s vibrant tutoring program.

Podcast host Diane Schrecker talks with Denisia Stoops, Ashland University Tutoring Program Coordinator, and Emma Fredle, AU student and soft-skills tutor and trainer with AU's Center for Academic support. Need tutoring help? This episode will feature details about the program including its mission and purpose, how to sign-up for a tutor, what to expect from a tutoring session, and the availability of soft-skills tutoring sessions.

Learn more about the Ashland University Library podcast and listen to previous episodes on our podcast Library Guide.

Post originally published on the AU Library News blog on 1/28/2020.