- Tidy
PZ8.3.G7427 Ti 2017 - Triangle
PZ7.B2662 Tr 2017 - We Are Family
PZ8.3 H382 We 2017 - Mr. Postmouse Takes a Trip
PZ7.D8548 Mr 2017 - Niko Draws a Feeling
PZ7.R1098 Ni 2017 - Walk with Me
PZ7.B8927 Wal 2017 - Sheep Who Hatched an Egg
PZ7.M5388 Sh 2017 - Tree
PZ7.L4476 Tr 2017 - Funny Thing Happened at the Museum
PZ7.C1283 Fu 2017 - Big Cat, Little Cat
PZ7.C7847 Bi 2017
April 28, 2017
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
April 27, 2017
Juvenile Books: Poetry
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Bravo!
E184.S75 E75 2017 - One Last Word: Wisdom from the Harlem Renaissance
PS3557.R489982 A6 2017 - Out of Wonder: Poems Celebrating Poets
PN6109.97 .A526 2017 - Fresh-Picked Poetry: A Day at the Farmer's Market
PS3619.C334 F47 2017 - Thunder Underground
PS3575.O43 >t53 2017 - Keep a Poem in Your Pocket
PS3562.E9465 K44 2017 - Wake Up!
PS3556.R598 W28 2017 - Animal Ark
PS3601.L3535 A84 2017
April 26, 2017
IRC Circulating: Kits / Games
The following materials kits have been added to the Instructional Resource Center circulating collection. Materials Kits are located inside of the IRC, on right side/east wall, and shelved numerically. For ease of use, materials kit shelving in the IRC is labeled.
- 5 Second Rule: Just Spit it Out!
Kit 517 - Pictionary
Kit 518 - The Logo Board Game: The Board Game About the Brands You Love
Kit 519 - Sorry
Kit 520 - Chess, Checkers, and Backgammon
Kit 521 - Clue
Kit 522 - Trivial Pursuit: Star Wars, The Black Game
Kit 523 - Trivial Pursuit 2000
Kit 524 - Battleship
Kit 525 - Monopoly
Kit 526
April 25, 2017
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Goodnight, Numbers
PZ8.3.M182 Goo 2017 - Click, Clack, Surprise
PZ7.C88135 Cs 2016 - I'll Wait, Mr. Panda
PZ7.A627 Il 2016 - Life on Mars
PZ7.A266 Lf 2017 - Road Home
PZ8.3 C8292 Ro 2017 - I Promise
PZ7.M2427 Iam 2017 - Pricilla Gorilla
PZ7.V6586 Pri 2017 - Noisy Night
PZ7.B2662 No 2017 - Little Fox in the Forest
PZ7.G7494 Li 2017 - Have You Seen My Trumpet?
PE1449.E723 2016 - Alphabet Thief
PZ8.3.R394 Al 2017 - Prince and the Porker
PZ8.3 B4466 Pr 2017 - Chicken Story Time
PZ7.A816 Ch 2016 - All Ears, All Eyes
PZ8.J1367 A1 2017 - Dad and the Dinosaur
PZ7.C446265 Dad 2017 - Away
PZ7.S5442 Aw 2017 - Rain
PZ7.U76 Ra 2017
April 24, 2017
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Between Two Skies
PZ7.O862 Bet 2017 - Saint Death
PZ7.S4484 Sai 2017 - Things I Should Have Known
PZ7.L4496 Th 2017 - Just a Girl
PZ7.M5473 Ju 2017 - Bull
PZ7.5.E43 Bu 2017 - Honestly Ben
PZ7.K83516 Ho 2017 - When You Never Said Goodbye
PZ7.5.K43 Wh 2017 - Speak of Me As I Am
PZ7.P38873 Sp 2017 - Gem & Dixie
PZ7.Z267 Ge 2017
April 21, 2017
Juvenile Books: Non-fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Soldier Song: A True Story of the Civil War
E468.L56 2017 - Caroline's Comets: A True Story
QB36.H587 M33 2017 - Pathfinders: The Amazing Journeys of 16 Extraordinary Black Souls
E185.96 B586 2017 - Wind: Explore, Create, and Investigate
QC931.4.T53 2016 - Spy Called James: The True Story of James Lafayette, Revolutionary War Double Agent
E2693.N3 .R625 2016 - Round
QC455.5.S537 2017 - Trees
QK475.8.L45 2017 - Penguin Day
QL696.S473.B57 2017 - Karl, Get Out of the Garden!
QH31.L69 .S29 2017
April 19, 2017
IRC Hours Update

April 18, 2017
Juvenile Books: Non-fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Lines, Bars, and Circles: How William Playfair Invented Graphs
QA276.13.B43 2017 - How They Grow Up
QL696.P288.C486 2017 - Fantastic Flowers
SB406.5S75 2017 - Transportation: How People Get Around
HE152.G47 2017 - Lighter than Air: Sophie Blanchard, The First Woman Pilot
TL620.B62.S65 2017 - Water: Explore, Create, and Investigate
GB662.3 T53 2016 - Hello, Spring
QB637.5 R68 2017 - Motor Girls
TL139.M33 2017
April 17, 2017
Main Collection: eBooks
The following eBooks have been added to the library's main circulating collection. You will find these eBooks (electronic books) via the AU Library Catalog. Titles are part of our EBSCOhost collection and have single user licenses; access is available to Ashland University users. Please note authentication will be required for off-campus use.
- Interviewing as Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences
- Learning Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty
- Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education
- Best Practices in Engaging Online Learning Through active and Experiential Learning Strategies
- Power of Protocols: An Educators Guide to Better Practice
- Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning
National Library Week: There's Still Time
AU Library Student and Faculty Surveys: Open through April 17th
It's not too late! The National Library Week survey is open through the end of the day. We would like to know more about your Ashland University Library experiences. When you've completed the survey, enter your email for a chance to win one of three $10 Subway gift cards.
Need the survey link? Check your AU email or AU portal announcements. You may also chat with or text the IRC at 419.938.4134, and we'll send you the student or faculty link.
Thank you for celebrating #NationalLibraryWeek with us.
April 12, 2017
IRC Hours Update: Easter Breakl
Instructional Resource Center Easter Break hours are:
Regular spring hours resume on Monday, April 17th. A complete listing of IRC hours and updates is available on the IRC web site.
- Wednesday, April 12: 8 am to 5 pm
- Thursday, April 13th: Closed
- Friday, April 14th: Closed
- Saturday, April 15th: Closed
- Easter Sunday, April 16th: Closed
Regular spring hours resume on Monday, April 17th. A complete listing of IRC hours and updates is available on the IRC web site.
April 11, 2017
National Library Week Surveys
#National Library Week Survey Links
Are you looking for the AU Library Student or Faculty survey?
- Links are included with AU Portal National Library Week announcements.
- Text 419.938.4134 or chat with the IRC and we will send you the link (be sure to request the student or faculty survey).
- AU Library Student Orientation in Blackboard has a link with announcements.
- AU Library Faculty Resources in Blackboard has a link with announcements.
Thank you for participating in our survey ... and good luck in the gift card drawing.
National Library Week: Buttons
Did you get your National Library Week button? We have three different styles of buttons featuring a variety of book sculpture images. Buttons are available at the circulation desk, library main floor. There's still time, be sure to get yours while they last.
April 10, 2017
National Library Week: Guess How Many Books
There are a lot of books in the main floor library display case. Take a guess at how many books we have loaded in the display case and enter to win a #NationalLibraryWeek prize. Stop at the circulation desk, AU Library main floor, to enter the contest. We will share the answer, and the contest winner, next week.
National Library Week: Cookie Day
Cookie Day: Monday, April 10th
We are celebrating National Library Week with cookie day> Come in to the library and enjoy a variety of tasty homemade cookies. Our cookie table is located on the Library main floor, near the main entrance. Hope to see you soon! #NationalLibraryWeek
April 9, 2017
National Library Week: April 9-15
It's National Library Week!
"First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April. It is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation's libraries and librarians and to promote library use and support. All types of libraries - school, public, academic and special - participate." - ALA National Library Week
AU Library Student and Faculty Surveys: April 7th - April 17th
In recognition of #NationalLibraryWeek, we would like to know more about your Ashland University Library experiences. When you've completed the survey, enter your email for a chance to win one of three $10 Subway gift cards.
Need the survey link? Check your AU email or AU portal announcements. You may also chat with or text the IRC at 419.938.4134, and we'll send you the student or faculty link.
National Library Week Cookie Day: Monday, April 10th
Stop in the library for a cookie break! Our cookie table will be located on the main floor.
National Library Workers Day: Tuesday, April 11th
Celebrate with us by saying thank you to our AU Library student workers. Circulation and Instructional Resource Center student workers play a big role in our every day success.
Guess How Many Books: April 7th - April 17th
Use your powers of observation (and maybe math) to guess how many books are located in the display case on the main floor. Submit your guess at the circulation desk and be registered to win a National Library Week surprise.
National Library Week Buttons: While supplies last
Back by popular demand, a variety of limited edition National Library Week buttons will be available at the circulation desk on the main floor.
April 7, 2017
Coming Soon: National Library Week
Library Week!
Stay tuned for a week of planned activities:
- Guess 'How Many Books?'
See our display on the main floor - National Library Worker Day
Tuesday, April 11th - AU Library Cookie Day
Monday, April 10th - AU Library Survey & gift cards
Survey open April 7th - April 17th - National Library Week buttons
April 6, 2017
IRC Pinterest: Update
We've done a bit of organizing, rearranging and weeding of boards and pins, on the IRC Pinterest site. Boards are now arranged by category and each has an introductory board (pictured left) with pins detailing what is featured in within each group. A second 'bulletin board' pin describes how groups are arranged; for instance, group #2 Ellison Dies are displayed in alphabetical order.
All of our unique boards remain, including library memes and coloring pages, and new pins continue to be added to favorites such as Banned & Challenged Books & Wordless Picture Books.
Not familiar with the IRC on Pinterest? April is National Poetry Month, visit our page for a great selection of poetry resources, the Poetry Month board features juvenile & YA poetry and poetry titles from the library's juvenile collection.
Follow IRC's board National Poetry Month on Pinterest.
All of our unique boards remain, including library memes and coloring pages, and new pins continue to be added to favorites such as Banned & Challenged Books & Wordless Picture Books.
Not familiar with the IRC on Pinterest? April is National Poetry Month, visit our page for a great selection of poetry resources, the Poetry Month board features juvenile & YA poetry and poetry titles from the library's juvenile collection.
April 5, 2017
IRC Circulating: Kits
The following materials kits have been added to the Instructional Resource Center circulating collection. Materials Kits are located inside of the IRC, on right side/east wall, and shelved numerically. For ease of use, materials kit shelving in the IRC is labeled.
- Trouble (board game)
Kit 510 - Twister (board game)
Kit 511 - Writing Prompt Cubes
Kit 512 - Finger Cymbals
Kit 513 - Glockenspiel
Kit 514 - Hand Bells (8 note set)
Kit 515 - Band in a Box
Kit 516
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Pig & Goose and the First Day of Spring
PZ7.B63686 Pi 2017 - Peeper and Zeep
PZ7.G9345 Pe 2017 - Yours Sincerely, Giraffe
PZ7.I972 You 2016 - Steadfast Tin Soldier
PZ8.Y787 St 2016 - Princess Cora and the Crocodile
PZ7.S34714 Pr 2017 - Wolfie & Fly
PZ7.R142 Wol 2014
April 4, 2017
Juvenile Books:; Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Hello, Universe
PZ7.K2942 Hel 2017 - Amina's Voice
PZ7.K5262 Am 2017 - Forever, Or a Long, Long Time
PZ7.C2428 Fo 2017 - Goldfish Boy
PZ7.T37165 Go 2017 - Effie Starr Zook Has One More Question
PZ7.F8762 Ef 2017 - Goat
PZ7.F59932 Go 2017 - Grandpa's Great Escape
PZ7.W1623 Gr 2017 - Braced
PZ7.G2938 Br 2017 - Cilla Lee-Jenkins: Future Author Extraordinaire
PZ7.T16126 Ci 2017
April 3, 2017
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Hate U Give
PZ7.T4632 Hat 2017 - Pointe, Claw
PZ7.K5176 Ko 2017 - Psalm for Lost Girls
PZ7.B3389 Ps 2017 - Zenn Diagram
PZ7.B73741 Ze 2017 - Hidden Memory of Objects
PZ7.A4914 Hi 2017 - Stranger Things Have Happened
PZ7.S8963 St 2017 - Who Killed Christopher Goodman?
PZ7.W81838 Wh 2017 - Goodbye Days
PZ7.Z436 Go 2017 - The Other F-Word
PZ7.F91535 Ot 2017 - Beast is an Animal
PZ7.V2683 Be 2017 - Max
PZ7.C6634 Max 2017
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novel
The following book has been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find it shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Fish Girl
PZ7.7.N357 Fis 2017
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