- A House of My Own
PS3553.I78 Z46 2015 - Human Body Theater
QM27.W53 2015
October 29, 2015
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
October 28, 2015
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Beyond the Pond
PZ7.K94867 Be 2015 - Lenny & Lucy
PZ7.S8082 Le 2015
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- I Used to Be Afraid
PZ7.S4514 Iap 2015 - What Pet Should I Get?
PZ8.3.G276 Wf 2015 - My Dog, Bob
PZ7.T6213 My 2015 - It's Raining Bats & Frogs
PZ7.C6723 It 2015 - Friendshape
PZ7.R7194 Fr 2015 - When Sophie's Feelings Are Really, Really Hurt
PZ7.B2217 Wk 2015 - Mama's Nightingale
PZ7.D2385 Mam 2015 - Trick Arr Treat
PZ8.3.K5598 Tr 2015 - Oskar and the Eight Blessings
PZ7.S6055 Os 2015
October 27, 2015
New Ellison Die Alphabet(s)
Two new alphabets have been added to the Instructional Resource Center Ellison die collection:
The new alphabets, and additional dies, are located in the spinner rack adjacent to the roll laminator. View our complete collection of Ellison Die alphabets on the IRC Pinterest site.
Follow IRC's board Ellison Dies: Alphabet on Pinterest.
- Fruit Smoothie (uppercase), 4 inches
- Fruit Smoothie (lowercase), 4 inches
- Fruit Smoothie dies ? ! , ( ), 4 inches
The new alphabets, and additional dies, are located in the spinner rack adjacent to the roll laminator. View our complete collection of Ellison Die alphabets on the IRC Pinterest site.
October 23, 2015
IRC Hours Update: Fall Break

October 21, 2015
Juvenile Books: Non-fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- How to Swallow a Pig
QL751.5 .J46 2015 - A Tower of Giraffes
QL49.W89 2015 - The Nutcracker Comes to America
GV1790.N8 B37 2015 - Give Me Wings
ML421.J77 L68 2015 - Thomas Jefferson Grows a Nation
E332.79 T57 2015 - Lincoln's Spymaster
HV7911.P4675S45 2015
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novels
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Written and Drawn by Henrietta
PZ7.7.L56 Wr 2015 - The Inker's Shadow
NC975.5 .S39 A2 2015
October 20, 2015
Main Collection: Education
The following books have been added to the library's circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the main floor of the library or in the regular location.
- Race to the Bottom: Corporate School Reform and the Future of Public Education
LA217.2.M398 2015 - Youth Activism in an Era of Education Inequality
LA229.K49 2015 - Richer, Brighter Vision for American High Schools
LB1607.5.N64 2015 - The Prize: Who's in Charge of America's Schools
LA333.N4 R87 2015
October 19, 2015
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Sharing the Bread
PZ8.3.M6183 Sh 2015 - Beautiful Hands
PZ7.O877 Bea 2015 - Two White Rabbits
PZ7.B8927 Tw 2015
October 16, 2015
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- The Wolf-Birds
PZ7.D324 Wo 2015 - Leo
PZ7.B2662 Le 2015 - Lillian's Right to Vote
PZ7.W7552 Lil 2015 - Grandaddy's Turn
PZ7.B2142 Gr 2015 - It's Tough to Lose Your Balloon
PZ7.K935 It 2015
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Breakaway
PZ7.S7388 Br 2015 - The Perks of Being a Wallflower
PZ7.P3946 Pe 2012 - Infinite in Between
PZ7.M2178 In 2015 - All American Boys
PZ7.R33593 Al 2015 - The Appearance of Annie Van Sinderen
PZ7.H83739 Ap 2015 - Believarexic
PZ7.J63213 Bel 2015
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Curiosity House: The Shrunken Head
PZ7.O475 Shr 2015 - The Blackthorn Key
PZ7.S223 Bl 2015
October 15, 2015
Juvenile Books: Non-fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Most Dangerous
CT275.E38518 S54 2015 - Jump Back, Paul
PS1557.D47 2015
October 14, 2015
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Crenshaw
PZ7.A648 Cr 2015 - Dream On, Amber
PZ7.S5544 Dr 2015 - The Sleeper and the Spindle
PZ8.G1235 Sl 2015 - The Thing About Jellyfish
PZ7.B4353 th 2015
October 12, 2015
Fall & Halloween Books: Pinterest
Looking for great Autumn / Fall and Halloween themed picture books? Check out the IRC Pinterest page, we have boards featuring fiction and non-fiction juvenile titles.
Follow IRC's board Autumn: Fall Books on Pinterest.
Children's books are located on the second floor of Ashland University Library. Ask in the Instructional Resource Center if you need help locating a book.
Follow IRC's board Halloween on Pinterest.
Children's books are located on the second floor of Ashland University Library. Ask in the Instructional Resource Center if you need help locating a book.
October 9, 2015
Main Collection: Education
The following books have been added to the library's circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the main floor of the library or in the regular location.
- Higher Learning in America: A Memorandum on the Conduct of Universities by Business Men
LA226.V3 2015 - Allure of Order: High Hopes, Dashed Expectations, and the Troubled Quest to Remake American Schooling
LA217.2.M236 2015 - Class, Please Open Your comics: Essays On Teaching with Graphic Narratives
LB1044.9.C59 C53 2015 - Language-Based approaches to Support Reading Comprehension
LB1050.45.L355 2015
October 8, 2015
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- The Wishbone Wish
PZ7.M478419 Wis 2015 - George
PZ7.G4387 Geo 2015 - Hiawatha and the Peacemaker
PZ7.R5487 Hi 2015 - The Astounding Broccoli Boy
PZ7.C82963 Ast 2015 - The Entirely True Story of the Unbelievable Fib
PZ7.S5328 En 2015 - A Night Divided
PZ7.N5673 Ni 2015 - The Seventh Most Important Thing
PZ7.P3166 Se 2015 - Full Cicada Moon
PZ7.5.H56 Fu 2015
October 7, 2015
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in the regular location within the juvenile collection.
- The Trouble in Me
PZ7.G15334 Tr 2015 - Cut Both Ways
PZ7.M5473 Cu 2015 - Drowning is Inevitable
PZ7.S7885 Dro 2015 - The Accident Season
PZ7.F824 Ac 2015 - The Hired Girl
PZ7.S34713 Hir 2015 - Everything, Everything
PZ7.Y7988 Ev 2015 - Dumplin'
PZ7.M95352 Dum 2015 - A Prince without a Kingdom
PZ7.F7372 Pr 2015
October 5, 2015
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Can We Help?
HV49.V64 A53 2015 - Voice of Freedom
E185.97 H35 W43 - How Are Digital Devices Impacting Society?
HM851.A247 2015 - Alphabet School
PE1155.J647 2015 - Ira's Shakespeare Dream
PN2598.A52 A75 2015 - Funny Bones
NE546.P6 T65 2015
Main Collection: General
The following books have been added to the libraries circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the main floor of the library or in the regular location.
- Enabling Acts: The Hidden Story of How the Americans with Disabilities Act Gave the Largest US Minority it's Rights
KF480.D38 2015 - Works Well with Others: An Outsider's Guide to Shaking Hands, Shutting Up, Handling Jerks, and Other Crucial Skills in Business That No One Ever Teaches You
PN6231.B85 M33 2015
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