April 30, 2014

IRC: Extended Hours

The Instructional Resource Center will be open extended weekend hours during finals. A complete list of IRC Hours Updates is available on our web site.

Saturday, May 3rd
10 am to 4 pm

Sunday, May 4th
2 pm to 10 pm

April 29, 2014

Quiet Spaces for Finals

Looking for a quiet space to study during finals?

AU Library has designated the 4th and 5th floors as quiet spaces during extended hours and finals, April 27th through May 6th.

Study rooms and open study areas are available to students on both floors. If a computer is not available in the study room, outlets are present for personal computers. Trouble with your computer? Stop at the circulation desk and check out a laptop.

April 23, 2014

Juvenile Books: Nonfiction

The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.

Juvenile Books: Graphic Novels

The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.

April 22, 2014

Juvenile Books: Picture Books

The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.

Juvenile Books: Fiction

The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.

April 21, 2014

Juvenile Books: Big Books

The following big books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. Big books are located on the second floor adjacent to the juvenile collection. Big books are presented in large hanging bags, both book and bag circulate.

April 14, 2014

IRC Hours Update: Easter Break

IRC Hours for Easter break are as follows:

Wednesday, April 16th: 8 am to 5 pm
Thursday, April 17th: 8 am to 5 pm
Friday, April 18th through Sunday, April 20th:  Closed

Regular hours resume on Monday, April 21st. Visit the Instructional Resource Center web site for a complete listing of IRC Hours and updates.

April 11, 2014

Juvenile Books: YA Fiction

The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books: Picture Books

The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

April 10, 2014

Juvenile Books: Fiction

The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books: Picture Books

The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

April 9, 2014

Juvenile Books: Nonfiction

The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books: Poetry

The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

AU Main Collection: Graphic Novel

The following book has been added to the main library general collection. You will find it shelved in the new books display on the main floor of the library or in it's regular location.

April 7, 2014

Juvenile Books: YA Fiction

The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.

IRC Circulating:Activity Books

The following activity books have been added to the IRC circulating collection. Activity books are located directly outside the Instructional Resource Center, AU Library second floor, adjacent to the curriculum textbook collection.

April 4, 2014

IRC Circulating: Book Kits

The following Book Kits have been added to the IRC circulating collection; each book kit contains six paperback copies of the same title and information pertaining to suggested reading levels is detailed.   Book kits are located next to the big books, directly outside of the Instructional Resource Center, Library second floor.

April 3, 2014

IRC: Book Kits

Book kits are a collection of juvenile (children's) titles ideal for using with small groups, guided reading, and tutoring. Book kits are located on the library second floor adjacent to the Big Books and Caldecott and Newbery Award books. The IRC web site has additional information about the Book Kits including the leveling process, a detailed list of the collection, available library collection resources for guided reading, and Internet resources.

April 2, 2014

Juvenile Books: Big Books

Over the last few weeks, several collections have been 'shifted' on the library second floor to facilitate an increased space for the juvenile collection. Curriculum textbooks, activity books, big books, leveled book kits, and the Newbery and Caldecott award sections all remain on the second floor, but they have slightly different locations.  If you are unfamiliar with the IRC's Juvenile Big Book collection, this short video features information about big books. Don't forget, you can check out big book stands from the materials kit collection, too!

In case you missed it, pictures of the updated layout and a collection of IRC Voki and Gami tours are available on the IRC Pinterest site.

April 1, 2014

Juvenile Books: Nonfiction

The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.