The Instructional Resource Center will be open extended weekend hours during finals. A complete list of IRC Hours Updates is available on our web site.
Saturday, May 3rd
10 am to 4 pm
Sunday, May 4th
2 pm to 10 pm
April 30, 2014
April 29, 2014
Quiet Spaces for Finals
Looking for a quiet space to study during finals?
AU Library has designated the 4th and 5th floors as quiet spaces during extended hours and finals, April 27th through May 6th.
Study rooms and open study areas are available to students on both floors. If a computer is not available in the study room, outlets are present for personal computers. Trouble with your computer? Stop at the circulation desk and check out a laptop.
AU Library has designated the 4th and 5th floors as quiet spaces during extended hours and finals, April 27th through May 6th.
Study rooms and open study areas are available to students on both floors. If a computer is not available in the study room, outlets are present for personal computers. Trouble with your computer? Stop at the circulation desk and check out a laptop.
April 23, 2014
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.
An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.
- See What a Seal Can Do
QL737.P6 B88 2013 - Dolphins of Shark Bay
QL737.C432 T87 2013 - What the Heart Knows: Chants, Charms, & Blessings
PS3569.I295 W48 2013
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novels
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.
An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.
- Big Wet Balloon
PZ7.7.L56 Bi 2013 - Lost Boy
PN6727.R883 L67 2013
April 22, 2014
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.
An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.
- Santiago Stays
PZ7.D7114 San 2013 - Big Bad Wolf
PZ7.A6727 Big 2013 - Dee Dee and Me
PZ7.S406 Dee 2013 - Long Long Line
PZ7.O38 Lo 2013 - Xander's Panda Party
PZ8.3.P163 Xan 2013 - Blessing Cup
PZ7.P75186 Ble 2013 - Turkey Tot
PZ7.S5288 Tu 2013 - Ling & Ting Share a Birthday
PZ7.L644 Lis 2013 - Lulu and the Cat in the Bag
PZ7.M4786574 Lct 2013
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.
An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile and young adult titles for this endowment.
- Will in Scarlet
PZ7.C654 Wil 2013 - Moon and More
PZ7.D455 Moo 2013 - Serafina's Promise
PZ7.5.B87 Ser 2013 - Amy's Three Best Things
PZ7.P3145 Am 2013 - OCD Love Story
PZ7.H3147 Ocd 2013 - Lord and Lady Bunny - Almost Royalty
PZ7.H79224 Lo 2014 - Binny for Short
PZ7.M4786574 Bi 2013 - Ice Dogs
PZ7.J63835 Ic 2012 - Counting by 7s
PZ7.S633136 Cou 2013
April 21, 2014
Juvenile Books: Big Books
The following big books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. Big books are located on the second floor adjacent to the juvenile collection. Big books are presented in large hanging bags, both book and bag circulate.
- I Love Animals
BigBk 161 - Wheels on the Bus
BigBk 162 - Down in the Jungle
BigBk 163 - Big Hungry Bear
BigBk 164 - Chrysanthemum
BigBk 165 - Mean Soup
BigBk 166 - Five Little Ducks
BigBk 167 - Big Blue Whale
BigBk 168 - The Everything Book
BigBk 169 - The Four Seasons
BigBk 170
April 14, 2014
IRC Hours Update: Easter Break
IRC Hours for Easter break are as follows:
Wednesday, April 16th: 8 am to 5 pm
Thursday, April 17th: 8 am to 5 pm
Friday, April 18th through Sunday, April 20th: Closed
Regular hours resume on Monday, April 21st. Visit the Instructional Resource Center web site for a complete listing of IRC Hours and updates.

Thursday, April 17th: 8 am to 5 pm
Friday, April 18th through Sunday, April 20th: Closed
Regular hours resume on Monday, April 21st. Visit the Instructional Resource Center web site for a complete listing of IRC Hours and updates.
April 11, 2014
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Caminar
PZ7.5.B786 Ca 2014 - Side Effects May Vary
PZ7.M95352 Si 2014 - Silver People: Voices from the Panama Canal
PZ7.5.E54 Si 2014 - Why We Took the Car
PZ7.H43222 Why 2014 - Mark of the Dragonfly
PZ7.J63217 Mar 2014 - Skin and Bones
PZ7.S52784 Sk 2014 - Cracks in the Kingdom
PZ7.M826727 Cr 2014 - Silver
PZ7.W860368 Sil 2014
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Line
PZ7.B64953 Li 2014 - You Can't Have Too Many Friends!
PZ7.G325 You 2014 - Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Splash!
PZ7.F59936 Tis 2014 - Matilda's Cat
PZ7.G77577 Mat 2014 - How to Cheer Up Dad
PZ7.K816 Ho 2014 - Extraordinary Jane
PZ7.H252 Hx 2014 - 100 Snowmen
PZ7.D942 Aac 2013 - Little Ducks Go
PZ7.M478415 Lit 2014 - Stella's Starliner
PZ7.W48643 Ste 2014 - Tap Tap Boom Boom
PZ8.3.B5985 Tap 2014 - Letter Lunch
PZ7.G9833 le 2014 - Scarlatti's Cat
PZ7.L1335 Sca 2014 - Strega Nona Does It Again
PZ7.D439 Spm 2013 - Troll Swap
PZ7.H668 Tr 2014 - Splat! Starring the Vole Brothers
PZ7.S411 Spa 2014 - Lost in Bermooda
PZ7.L7379 Lo 2014
April 10, 2014
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Children of the King
PZ7.H267367 Chi 2014 - Hope is a Ferris Wheel
PZ7. H43216 Ho 2014 - I Lived on Butterfly Hill
PZ7.A2636 Iah 2014 - Ava and Pip
PZ7.W52628 Av 2014 - Sittin' Up
PZ7. M8475 Sit 2014 - Aviary Wonders Inc.
PZ7.S19453 Avi 2014
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Going Places
PZ7.R342 Goi 2014 - When the Wind Blew
PZ8.3.J13435 Wh 2014 - A Is for Awesome
PE1155.C52 2014 - Sparky!
PZ7.O3277 Sp 2014
April 9, 2014
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- World Almanac for Kids 2014
AY81.J8 W67 2014 - Fractions in Disguise: A Math Adventure
QA117.E36 2014 - Plants Feed Me
QK98.5.A1 R63 2014 - Women in Space: 23 Stories of First Flights, Scientific Missions, and Gravity-Breaking Adventures
TL793.G457 2014 - Tugboat
VM464 G36 2014
Juvenile Books: Poetry
The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- How I Discovered Poetry
PS3573.A4795 H69 2014 - Outside the Box
PS3623.I5848 O98 2014 - Poem That Will Not End: Fun With Poetic Forms and Voices
PS3557.R212 P64 2014 - If It Rains Pancakes: Haiku and Lantern Poems
PS3553.L39144 I35 2014
AU Main Collection: Graphic Novel
The following book has been added to the main library general collection. You will find it shelved in the new books display on the main floor of the library or in it's regular location.
- Ant Colony
PN6733.D434 A57 2014
April 8, 2014
Main Collection: Education
The following books have been added to the library's main circulating collection. You will find them displayed in the new book area on the library's main floor or in their regular location.
- Focus Groups: Theory and Practice
H61.28 S74 2015 - Governing at the Top: Building A Board Superintendent Strategic Governing Team
LB2831.75 E215 2014 - Teach Math with the Wii: Engage Your K-7 Students Through Gaming Technology
QA20.G35 H43 2013 - Hanging in: Strategies for Teaching the Students Who Challenge Us Most
LB4802.B46 2014 - Bring Your Own Learning: Transform Instruction With Any Device
LB1044.84.S33 2014 - Transforming Special Education Practices: A Primer for School Administrators and Policy Makers
LC3981.T73 2012
April 7, 2014
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Shibboleth
PZ7.J1524 Shi 2014 - Never Ending
PZ7.B3845 Ne 2014 - Other Way Around
PZ7.K16467 Oth 2014
IRC Circulating:Activity Books
The following activity books have been added to the IRC circulating collection. Activity books are located directly outside the Instructional Resource Center, AU Library second floor, adjacent to the curriculum textbook collection.
- Project Based Learning Tasks: Common Core State Standards
ACTIV Teach 2014 Gr. 6-8 - Essential Skills and Practices: Your All in One Source for School Success
ACTIV Gen 2014 PreK - Common Core Elements of Literature
ACTIV Lang 2014 Gr. 6-8 - Literacy in Science and Technology: Learning Center Activities to Meet CCSS
ACTIV Scie 2014 Gr. 6-8 - Early Learning Center Games
ACTIV Centr 2006 Gr. P-1
April 4, 2014
IRC Circulating: Book Kits
The following Book Kits have been added to the IRC circulating collection; each book kit contains six paperback copies of the same title and information pertaining to suggested reading levels is detailed. Book kits are located next to the big books, directly outside of the Instructional Resource Center, Library second floor.
- The Tortoise and the Hare
Book kit 092 - ABC, I Like Me!
Book kit 093 - Lola at the Library
Book kit 094 - George vs. George: The American Revolution as Seen from Both Sides
Book kit 095 - Wonderful Worms
Book kit 096 - The Mouse and the Motorcycle
Book kit 097 - Horrible Harry Moves Up to Third Grade
Book kit 098 - Freedom's Wings: Corey's Underground Railroad Diary
Book kit 099 - Touching Spirit Bear
Book kit 100 - Encyclopedia Brown Sets the Pace
Book kit 101
April 3, 2014
IRC: Book Kits
Book kits are a collection of juvenile (children's) titles ideal for using with small groups, guided reading, and tutoring. Book kits are located on the library second floor adjacent to the Big Books and Caldecott and Newbery Award books. The IRC web site has additional information about the Book Kits including the leveling process, a detailed list of the collection, available library collection resources for guided reading, and Internet resources.
Book Kits
April 2, 2014
Juvenile Books: Big Books
Over the last few weeks, several collections have been 'shifted' on the library second floor to facilitate an increased space for the juvenile collection. Curriculum textbooks, activity books, big books, leveled book kits, and the Newbery and Caldecott award sections all remain on the second floor, but they have slightly different locations. If you are unfamiliar with the IRC's Juvenile Big Book collection, this short video features information about big books. Don't forget, you can check out big book stands from the materials kit collection, too!
In case you missed it, pictures of the updated layout and a collection of IRC Voki and Gami tours are available on the IRC Pinterest site.
In case you missed it, pictures of the updated layout and a collection of IRC Voki and Gami tours are available on the IRC Pinterest site.
Big books
April 1, 2014
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
The following new books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Mama Built a Little Nest
QL676.2.W382 2014 - Have You Heard the Nesting Bird?
AL676.2.G73 2014 - Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood
NC999.4.M38 A2 2014 - Firefly July and Other Very Short Poems
PS586.3.F525 2014 - Phillip Reid Saves the State of Freedom
E340.R45 L37 2014
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