September 27, 2007

IRC Web Site: Author Information

Four new authors have been added to the IRC Author & Illustrator information page. "These pages are a series of online pathfinders; a starting point for resources on various children and young adult authors and illustrators. Included on each page is a listing of Ashland University library holdings on the specified author or illustrators, a sampling of articles available in library databases, and Internet resources." (IRC Author Page).

Newly featured children and young adult authors are:

Check back in the coming months for additions to this IRC resource, including authors Angela Johnson, Mo Willems, M.E. Kerr, Eileen Spinelli, Michael Garland, and David Diaz.

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September 26, 2007

New Ellision Die's

The following Ellison Dies have beeen added to the existing IRC collection:
  • Treble Clef
  • Bass Clef
  • Quarter, Half, Whole note
  • Music X
  • Picture Frame
  • Pilgrim Hat
  • Protractor
  • Mouse
  • First Aid Bag
  • Flower Pot
  • Flowers 2
Looking for a particular Ellison die or alphabet? IRC Ellison Die collection information may be found using the Ellison Die Library:

IRC Borders & General Dies:
Die Library ID 0234
Guest Password - auirc

IRC Alphabet & Number Library:
Die Library ID 8795
Guest Password - auirc

More information about the IRC circulating collection may be found on the IRC web site.

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September 19, 2007

IRC Circulating: Audio Books

The following audio books have been added to the Instructional Resource Center circulating collection. Audio books are located on the shelving directly behind the activity books, across from Library of Congress "L" on the second floor. Audio books are shelved numerically with a call number designation of Audio Book.

IRC Circulating: Kits

The following kits have been added to the Instructional Resource Center circulating collection. Materials kits are located inside of the IRC , right side or east wall, and shelved numerically.

IRC Printer

The IRC printer is now working, network printing is available from all second floor computers.

Thank you for your patience.

September 18, 2007

Printer out of order

The IRC printer is currently out of order; there is no printing available on the library, second floor.

Computers are all operational, but it is necessary to save to your "H" drive or other external device (disk, flash drive, CD) and print from the library main floor printer.

A help ticket has been submitted.

Mock Caldecott Panel

Dr. Mary Rycik's children's literature class held a Mock Caldecott Award panel session this morning in the library. Criteria and terms followed were those used by the American Library Association (ALA) division, Association for Library Services for Children (ALSC).

Eighteen titles were considered as possible contenders for the award. Groups of four panels narrowed the original field to five titles; one book was selected the winner and two others (tied)awarded honor distinction. The winning title was Catching the Moon, illustrated by Chris Sheban and written by Myla Goldberg.

More information on other books discussed, as well as past Mock Caldecott panel resources, are available on the IRC: Mock Caldecott Award web page.

September 17, 2007

AU Circulating: Graphic Novels

The following books have been added to the circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display in the reference area on the main floor of the library or in it's regular location.

AU Circulating: General

The following books have been added to the circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display, reference area on the main floor of the library, or in it's regular location.

AU Circulating: Education

The following books have been added to the circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display in the reference area on the main floor of the library or in it's regular location.

September 14, 2007

AU Circulating: Education

The following books have been added to the circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display in the reference area on the main floor of the library or in it's regular location.

AU Circulating: General

The following books have been added to the circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display in the reference area on the main floor of the library or in it's regular location.

September 10, 2007

Juvenile Books

The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books

The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books

The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books

The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books

The follow book has been added to the juvenile collection. It will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books

The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books

The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books

The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books: Dean Collection

The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books: Graphic Novels

The follow book has been added to the juvenile collection. It will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

September 7, 2007

Juvenile Books

The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.

Juvenile Books: Graphic Novels

The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be initially placed in the new book shelves on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, and then located within the juvenile collection.