“The front cover of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows features a dramatic sky of oranges and golds. It depicts 17-year-old Harry with arm outstretched, reaching upward. The structures around Harry show evident destruction and in the shadows behind him, we see outlines of other people,” said David Saylor, Scholastic’s Vice President and Creative Director who has designed all seven Harry Potter covers.
“For the first time the cover is a wrap-around. On the back cover spidery hands are outstretched towards Harry. Only when the book is opened does one see a powerful image of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, his glowing red eyes peering out from his hood” (Scholastic, 3/28/07).
Read more about the cover art:
Copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows have been ordered for the library. As with the other titles in this series, one copy will be on general reserve and a second copy in the regular circulating collection.