- Kindergarten kids : riddles, rebuses, wiggles, giggles, and more!
PS3553.A425 K56 2005 - I lost my tooth in Africa
PZ7.D54153 Iae 2006 - Imagine
QP495 .M47 2005 - Ice bear : in the steps of the polar bear
PZ10.3.D2865 Ice 2001 - Groundhog gets a say
PZ7.S969895 Gr 2005 - Lights out
PZ7.G2724 Lig 2005 - Duck & Goose
PZ7.H563737 Duc 2006 - Lizzie nonsense
PZ7.O634 Li 2005 - The song of Francis and the animals
PZ7.M78819 So 2005
February 2, 2006
Juvenile Books: Dean Collection
The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be shelved initially in the new book shelf on the second floor (directly outside of the IRC) and then located in the juvenile collection, library, second floor.