The Instructional Resource Center (IRC) will be closed Monday, December 18th, 2006 through Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007.
Please check the IRC web site for additional hours updates.
Please check the IRC web site for additional hours updates.
The following book has been added to the circulating collection. You will find it shelved in the regular location or in the new book display in the reference area on the main floor.
The food pyramid is the new USDA pyramid, see also the sign above the die cut that details usage of the new pyramid and references to the USDA.
Don't forget there are two IRC Ellison Die Library's, alphabets and general, available to help you search for dies. Each library has it's own ID and a single guest user password:
This information is also located on the IRC website, resources page.
Tags: Ellison Die Library, Ellison Dies, IRC Ellison Die Library
Tags: Horn Book Fanfare ,Teacher's Choice Booklist, Children's Choice Booklist, Young Adult Choices Booklist
The following activity books have been added to the curriculum collection. Activity books are located in the textbook annex on the second floor, directly outside of the Instructional Resource Center.
Tuesday, 11/21 - IRC closes 8 pm
Wednesday, 11/22 - IRC closed
Thursday, 11/23 - IRC closed
Friday, 11/24 - IRC closed
Saturday, 11/25, IRC closed
Sunday, 11/26 - IRC closed
Monday, 11/27 - IRC closed noon -3 pm
For further holiday hours updates, check the IRC and Library web pages.
This information is also located on the IRC website, resources page.
Tags: Ellison Die Library, Ellison Dies, IRC Ellison Die Library
About the Dean Collection: An integral part of the juvenile collection, these titles were purchased with library funds from the Dean endowment for juvenile fiction. Sue Ellen Ronk, cataloging librarian, selects juvenile books for this endowment.
Tags: Ellison Machine, Ellison Dies, Ellison Alphabet, Ashland University Library, Instructional Resource Center
The juvenile collection has a significant number of new titles arriving on a monthly, often weekly, basis. As a result, the bookcase was filled quickly and some new titles removed from this area before they were discovered. A second bookcase will facilitate new titles remaining in the designated new book area for a longer period of time. Don't forget the IRC Book Review Blog for additional information on new titles.
Card FAQ's:
Copier FAQ's:
Venda Card Unit FAQ's:
Copiers in the Library:
Also note: "Free access to the ERIC Collection, including full text of more than 100,000 items, as well as more than 1.2 million bibliographic citations and abstracts."
ERIC News - ERIC Web Site Gets a New Look
September 17, 2006
Tags: ERIC, Education Resources Information Center, ERIC web page redesign
Below are a few resources available in AU Library regarding banned books, challenged books, and censorship. Unless otherwise noted, all of the titles are part of the regular circulating collection:
Banned Book resources from the American Library Association:
An interesting offering from Google, in conjunction with the American Library Association, is a Book Search titled Celebrate Your Freedom to Read:
"Google Book Search is our effort to expand the universe of books you can discover, and this year we're joining libraries and bookstores across the country to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Banned Books Week – a nationwide initiative to help people learn about and explore banned books. You can start by browsing these 42 classics – books we couldn't be more pleased to highlight." - Google Book Search, 9/13/06
Among the 42 titles listed are The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Lord of the Flies, Brave New World, The Color Purple, Gone with the Wind, and A Separate Peace. Google links users to information about finding these books in a library or book store. Links within this post go to the AU catalog.