- Catching the moon : the story of a young girl's baseball dream
GV865.S86 H83 2005 - Exploring ancient Rome with Elaine Landau
DG78 .L35 2005 - The forbidden schoolhouse : the true and dramatic story of Prudence Crandall and her students
LA2317.C73 J87 2005 - Where's Mom's hair? : a family journey through cancer
RC264 .W38 2005 - Tacky and the Winter Games
PZ7.L56285 Taau 2005 - Think big!
PZ7.C21665 Th 2005 - Mimus
PZ7.T29 Mi 2005 - Magic beach
PZ7.J63162 Mag 2005
November 10, 2005
AU Juvenile Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile collection. They will be shelved initially in the new book shelf on the second floor (directly outside of the IRC) and then located in the juvenile collection, library, second floor.