The Instructional Resource Center will be closed Thursday, December 13th through Thursday, January 3rd during winter break. A complete listing of our hours and updates is located on the IRC web site. We wish you a joyous holiday season and look forward to seeing you in the new year!
December 12, 2018
December 10, 2018
IRC Spotlight: Materials Kits & Games
Of course you do ...
Did you know we have games in the IRC materials kit collection?
We have Life, Jenga, Monopoly, Battleship, Clue, Backgammon (+ Chess & Checkers), 5 Second Rule, Logo, and two versions of Trivial Pursuit (2000s & Star Wars). These items circulate for a period of one week. Check out our Pinterest site (see below) for additional items of interest ... like Twister and Sorry.
Take them back to your room and enjoy!
November 28, 2018
IRC Spotlight: Ellison Dies
Celebrating the season? Decorating your dorm room door? The IRC has an extensive Ellison Collection including 375+ die cuts, twelve double cut borders, and an assortment of tiny dies (four items per cut) . We have eight different alphabet fonts ranging from 2 inches to 5 inches in size with a variety of upper and lower case options.
Even better ... new dies have been ordered!
The IRC @ AU Library on Pinterest features sixteen Ellison Die Cut boards organized by category. Below are a few examples:
Even better ... new dies have been ordered!
The IRC @ AU Library on Pinterest features sixteen Ellison Die Cut boards organized by category. Below are a few examples:
November 19, 2018
IRC Hours Update: Thanksgiving
The Instructional Resource Center will be closed Wednesday, November 21st through Sunday, November 25th. We will be open 12 pm - 10pm on Monday, November 26th. Regular fall hours resume on Tuesday, November 27th.
A complete listing of IRC hours and updates is available on our web site: IRC Hours & Updates and at @IRCaulibrary. We wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving break.
A complete listing of IRC hours and updates is available on our web site: IRC Hours & Updates and at @IRCaulibrary. We wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving break.
November 16, 2018
IRC Hours Update

November 6, 2018
IRC Spotlight: Ask the IRC Chat
Have you used Questions? Ask the IRC?
Our chat service is staffed by the curriculum librarian and Instructional Resource Center student workers. We can help with general information and questions about the IRC, collections, juvenile books, equipment, and hours.
Did you know you could text the IRC?
Text the IRC at 419.938.4134, standard messaging rates will apply.
IRC text questions will be answered during regular Ask the IRC hours. Text inquiries sent after scheduled hours will be answered the following business day.
The IRC and AU Library share a text number. Non-IRC related text questions may be referred to circulation or reference staff as needed.
Phone icon by Madebyoliver from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
October 31, 2018
IRC Hours Update

October 15, 2018
IRC Hours: Fall Break
The Instructional Resource Center will close at 5:00 pm, October 18th. We will be closed Friday, October 19th through Sunday, October 21st for Fall Break. Regular hours resume on Monday, October 22nd. A complete list of IRC hours and updates is available on our web site: IRC Hours & Updates.
Clock icon made by Smashicons from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
October 8, 2018
IRC Spotlight: Ellison Dies
What's Brewing in the IRC?
Ellison Dies, of course.
Pumpkins, and spiders, and bats ... oh, my!
We have a great assortment of Halloween and fall themed Ellison dies perfect for door decorations, bulletin boards, and even office areas. Check out our Holiday or Seasons Ellison die boards on IRC Pinterest for ideas.
Ellison die cuts are only 1 penny per cut. View the IRC web site's Services & Pricing page for more information. See you soon, in the IRC.
Ellison Dies, of course.
Pumpkins, and spiders, and bats ... oh, my!
We have a great assortment of Halloween and fall themed Ellison dies perfect for door decorations, bulletin boards, and even office areas. Check out our Holiday or Seasons Ellison die boards on IRC Pinterest for ideas.
Ellison die cuts are only 1 penny per cut. View the IRC web site's Services & Pricing page for more information. See you soon, in the IRC.
October 4, 2018
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- How are You? Como Ests?
PZ73.D65557 2018 - Monster Academy
PZ7.Y78 Mm 2018 - Stop, Go, Yes, No: A Story of Opposites
PZ7.T932 St 2018 - Allie All Along
PZ7.R299 All 2018 - Skelly's Halloween
PZ7.M356817 Ske 2018 - Look
PZ7.W8596 Lo 2018 - Who Will Bell the Cat?
PZ8.2 M45 Wh 2018 - Fruit Bowl
PZ7.H6787 Fr 2018
October 1, 2018
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Someone New
PZ7.O1267 So 2018 - Drawn Together
PZ7.L4535 Dr 2018 - Pie is for Sharing
PZ7.L4984 Pi 2018 - Lots of Cats
PZ7.T21248 Lo 2018 - Wallpaper
PZ7.L159557 Wa 2018 - Blue Rider
PZ7.V2526 Bl 2018 - Bus! Stop!
PZ7.Y1934 Bus 2018 - Fox and Chick: the Party and Other Stories
PZ7.R9475 Par 2018
September 29, 2018
Banned Books Week:
First Amendment
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble; and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." - Banned Books Week
September 28, 2018
Banned Books Week: Intellectual Freedom
Intellectual Freedom
"Intellectual freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. it provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause or movement may be explored" - ALA Banned Books Week
September 27, 2018
Banned Books Week: Pinterest
IRC @ AU Library on Pinterest site features two boards, Banned Books Week and Banned and Challenged Books, filled with great resources for before, during, and after Banned Books Week.
IRC Hours Update

Banned Books Week: Censorship
"Censorship is the suppression of ideas and information that certain persons-individuals, groups, or government officials - find objectionable or dangerous. Censors pressure public institutions, like libraries, to suppress and remove from public access information they judge inappropriate or dangerous, so that no one else has the chance to read or view the material and make up their own minds about it. The censor wnats to prejudge materials for everyone." - ALA Banned Books Week
September 26, 2018
Banned Books Week: Challenged or Banned?
Challenged or Banned?
"A challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group. A banning is the removal of those materials. Challenges do no simply involve a person expressing a point of view; rather, they are an attempt to remove materials from the curriculum or library, thereby restricting the access of others. Due to the commitment of librarians, teachers, parenets, students, and other concerned citizens, most challenges ore unsuccessful and most materials are retained in the school curriculum or library collection." - ALA Banned Books Week
September 25, 2018
Banned Books Week
Introducing Banned Books
What is Banned Books Week?
"Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information. Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community –- librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types –- in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular." -- ALA Banned Books Week
History of Banned Books Week
"Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. More than 11,300 books have been challenged since 1982 according to the American Library Association." - ALA Banned Books Week
September 24, 2018
Top 10 Challenged Books of 2017

Top Ten Lists
"The American Library Association condemns censorship and works to ensure free access to information. Every year, the Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) compiles a list of the Top Ten Most Challenged Books in order to inform the public about censorship in libraries and schools. The lists are based on information from media stories and voluntary challenge reports sent to OIF from communities across the United States.' - ALA Banned Books Week
Interested in learning more?
Review challenge comments on the ALA Web site. Then ... you decide.
We have the following 2017 Top Ten Challenged Books in our collection. Titles are both fiction and non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, books are part of the main juvenile collection, located on AU Library's second floor.
- Thirteen Reason's Why
PZ7.A8155 Th 2008 - The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
PZ7. A382 Ab 2007 - Drama
PZ7.7.t454 Tr 2012 - The Kite Runner
MAIN General Collection: PS3608.O382 K58 2003 - George
PZ7.G4387 Geo 2015 - Sex is a Funny Word
HQ53.S55 2015 - To Kill a Mocking Bird
MAIN General Collection: PS3562.E22 T6 1960 - The Hate U Give
PZ7.T3642 Hat 2017 - And Tango Makes Three
PZ10.3.R414 Tan 2005 - I am Jazz
Available through OhioLINK
September 23, 2018
Banned Books Week: Sept. 23-29, 2018
Today is the first day of Banned Books Week!
This year's theme is "Banning Books Silences Stories."
What is Banned Books Week?
"Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information. Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community –- librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types –- in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular." -- ALA Banned Books Week
Interested in learning more? There's a Banned Books Week LibGuide for that! It features an overview of Banned Books Week history and challenged books, Library Resources and Internet & Infographic Resources, links to frequently banned and challenged books for the last ten years, challenged classics, and an interactive timeline highlighting 30 Years of Challenged Literature.
Be sure to follow us as we celebrate #BannedBooksWeek.
September 20, 2018
Juvenile Books: YA Nonfiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Putting Peace First
JZ5579 .D39 2018 - Pride Guide: A Guide to Sexual and Social Health for LGBTQ Youth
HQ76.27.Y68 L36 2018 - Spooked: How a Radio Broadcast and War of the Worlds Sparked the 1938 Invasion of America
PN1991.77.W3 J37 2018
September 19, 2018
Juvenile Books: Biography
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Marie Curie
QD22.C8.D46 2018 - Game Changers: The Story of Venus and Serena Williams
GV994.A1 c55 2018
September 18, 2018
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Bacteria Book
QR57.M68 2018 - Look at the Weather
QC981.3.T4313 2018 - Truth About Bears
QL737.C27 E25 2018 - Big Book of the Blue
QL122.2 Z66 2018 - Hot Air Balloons
TL638 .B48 2018 - Trains
TL148 .G4594 2018 - Putting Peace First
September 17, 2018
Juvenile Books: Nonfiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- What's Your Favorite Bug?
NC965.7.A54 W493 2018 - How Journalists Work
PN4776.H37 2018 - Uncovering Bias in News
PN4784.O24 .H37 2018 - The Fake News Phenomenon
PN4784.F27 H37 2018
September 13, 2018
IRC Hours Update

September 12, 2018
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Denis Ever After
PZ7.A1587 De 2018 - NightBooks
PZ7.W58327 Ni 2018 - Where the Watermelons Grow
PZ7.B1828 Whe 2018 - Echo's Sister
PZ7.M8488 Ech 2018 - Magic Mistakes
PZ7.K94876 Mag 2018 - Dream of America
PZ7.W868 Har 2018
September 10, 2018
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Dread Nation
PZ7.I6274 Dr 2018 - How We Roll
PZ7.F91535 How 2018 - Puddin'
PZ7.M95352 Pu 2018 - Children's of Blood and Wine
PZ7.A261142 Ch 2018 - Scream Site
PZ7.I6274 Scr 2018 - This Story is a Lie
PZ7.P76813 Thi 2018 - Fresh Ink: An Anthology
PZ5.F88 2018 - Second Life of Ava Rivers
PZ7.G1791 Sec 2018
September 7, 2018
Juvenile Books: Picture books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Am I Yours?
PZ8.3.L34445 Am 2018 - Mother Ghost: Nursery Rhymes for Little Monsters
PZ8.3 .K7535 Mot 2018 - Letter Town: A Seek-and-Find Alphabet Adventure
PZ8.3 .F2295 Let 2018 - Round of Robins
PZ8.3 .H4395 Rou 2018 - Vivid: Poems & Notes About Color
PZ8.3.P2716 Vi 2018 - Book Joy, Word Joy
PZ8.3.M794 Bo 2018
September 6, 2018
Juvenile Books: Biography
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Thomas Paine and the Dangerous Word
JC178. V2 .M37 2018 - Walt's Imagination: The Life of Walt Disney
NC1766 .U52 D5377 2018 - House of Dreams: The Life of L.M. Montgomery
PR9199.3.M6 Z743 2018 - Mary, Who Wrote Frankenstein
PR5398.B35 2018
September 5, 2018
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novels
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Song of Agliaia
PN6747.S983 S66 2018 - Three time four with Annemarie
PZ7.7.B813 Aah 2018
Main Collection: Education
The following book has been added to the library's main circulating collection. You will find it shelved in the new books display on the main floor of the library or in the regular location.
August 31, 2018
Hours Update: Labor Day

August 26, 2018
IRC Hours: Fall 2018
Welcome to the Instructional Resource Center at Ashland University Library! Our fall hours schedule begins Monday, August 27th. Regular hours of operation are:
- Monday - Thursday: 8 am to 10 pm
- Friday: 8 am to 5 pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: 1 pm to 6 pm

We look forward to seeing you soon!
IRC Hours
August 20, 2018
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- We'll Fly Away
PZ7.B619158 We 2018 - What I Leave Behind
PZ7.M4784675 Wh 2018 - Price of Duty
PZ7.S899 Pri 2018 - Wild Blue Wonder
PZ7.S72154 Wi 2018
August 10, 2018
IRC Hours Update

August 9, 2018
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Summer Supper
PZ7.P44854 su 2018 - Crash! Boom! A Math Tale
PZ7.H2436 Cra 2018 - Stone for Sasha
PZ7.B38125 St 2018 - Ocean Meets Sky
PZ7.F216 Oce 2018 - A House that Once Was
PZ7.F6763 Hou 2018 - Square
PZ7.B2662 Squ 2018 - New Shoes
PZ7.R1814 New 2018
August 6, 2018
IRC Hours Update

July 27, 2018
IRC Hours Update

July 26, 2018
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Drum Roll, Please
PZ7.B4822 Dr 2018 - Language of Spells
PZ7.W5393 Lan 2018 - Key to Everything
PZ7.S34734 ke 2018
Juvenile Books: Non-fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Nothing Stopped Sophie: The Story of Unshakable Mathematician Sophie Germain
QA29.G468.B37 2018 - La frontera : el viaje con papá = My Journey with Papa
E184.M5.M54956 2018 - Sea Creatures
QL122.2.S496 2018 - Running on Sunshine: How Does Solar Energy Work?
TJ810.3.D43 2018 - Water Land: Forms of Our World
GB404.H35 2018 - Trash Revolution: Breaking the Waste Cycle
TD792.F98 2018 - Space Adventures: Your Passport to the Coolest Things to See and Do in the Universe
TL793.M348 2018 - Hawk Rising
QL696.F32 G5195 2018 - Life Inside My Mind: 31 Authors Share Their Personal Struggles
RC460.2.L54 2018
July 24, 2018
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Miscalculations of Lightning Girl
PZ7.M47825255 Mis 2018 - Boy, The Bird, and the Coffin Maker
PZ7.W8525 Bo 2018 - Secret Sisters of the Ssalty Sea
PZ7.P4313 Sec 2018 - Bob
PZ7.M42355 Bob 2018 - Breakout
PZ7.M5615 Bo 2018 - Al Capone Throws Me a Curve
PZ7.C446265 As 2018
July 20, 2018
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Let's Go ABC
PZ8.3 .G824 Let 2018 - What if?
PZ8.3..B4555 Wh 2018 - All of Us
PZ7.B45134 Air 2018 - Saffron Ice Cream
PZ7.K5267 Saf 2018
July 17, 2018
IRC Hours Update

July 11, 2018
Welcome to AU Library
Welcome to Ashland University Library! We've updated content on the main floor digital sign to include short Animaker videos. Stop in to see what's new.
July 9, 2018
Update: IRC color printer
The Instructional Resource Center color printer is working! Interested in learning more about IRC resources, services, and pricing? Below is an overview with guidelines pertaining to services.
But wait, there's more: Visit our web site for details.
July 6, 2018
IRC Color Printer
The Instructional Resource Center's color printer is currently out-of-order.
Color printing is available to students in the Patterson lab (2 clicks print quota). If a larger quantity is required, we recommend AU's printing services located in the lower level of Amstutz Hall.
Color printing is available to students in the Patterson lab (2 clicks print quota). If a larger quantity is required, we recommend AU's printing services located in the lower level of Amstutz Hall.
July 5, 2018
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- In the Past
PS3555 .L5674 I48 2018 - Jabberwalking
PN1059 .A9 H485 2018 - Mary Had a Little Lab
PZ8.3 .F632 Mar 2018 - That Fruit is Mine!
PZ7.A3913 Th 2018
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novels
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Small Things
PZ7.7.T74 Sm 2018 - Be Prepared
PZ7.7 .B77 Be 2018
July 3, 2018
IRC Hours Update: July 4th
The Instructional Resource Center will be closed Wednesday, July 4th in observance of the holiday. Summer hours will resume on Thursday, July 5th.
A complete list of IRC hours and updates is available on the IRC web site.
A complete list of IRC hours and updates is available on the IRC web site.
July 2, 2018
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- In Sight of Stars
PZ7.P75294 In 2018 - Lite Too Bright
PZ7.M63342 Li 2018 - Rebound
PZ7.5 A44 Re 2018 - The Poet X
PZ7.5.A348 Po 2018
June 20, 2018
IRC Hours Update

June 19, 2018
Juvenile Books: Non-fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- One Day a Dot
QB991.I54 O54 2018 - Triumphant Tale of the House Sparrow
QL696.P264 T47 2018 - Hidden Figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race
QA27.5 .L44 2018 - Shaking Things Up: 14 Young Women Who Changed the World
CT3207.H66 2018 - DK Findout! World War I
D522.7.W567 2018b
June 18, 2018
Main Collection: Education
The following books have been added to the library's main circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the main floor of the library or in the regular location.
June 13, 2018
IRC Hours Update

A complete list of IRC hours and updates is available on our web site: IRC Hours & Updates.
June 12, 2018
IRC Hours Update

A complete list of IRC hours and updates is available on our web site: IRC Hours & Updates.
June 11, 2018
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Lulu is Getting a Sister: What Wants Her? Who Needs Her?
PZ7.V816 Luo 2018 - Ebb and Flow
PZ7.S649133 Ebb 2018 - Book of Boy
PZ7.N9416 Bo 2018 - Like Vanessa
PZ7.C3784 Li 2018
June 6, 2018
Juvenile Books: Non-Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Some Kids Wear Leg Braces
HV903.S33 2018 - Some Kids are Blind
HV1596.3 .S33 2018 - Some Kids are Deaf
HV2392.S33 2018 - Some Kids Use Wheelchairs
HV3022.S33 2018 - Earth Day
GE195.5 B47 2018 - Rodent Rascals
QL737.R6 M92 2018 - Seed is the Start
QK661.S7436 2018 - Understanding Your Civil Rights
KF4749.B465 2018 - Understanding Your Role in Elections
JK1978.G86 2018 - Hey-Ho, to Mars We'll Go!
QB641.L421 2018 - 100th Day of School
LB3533.B47 2018 - Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World
CT3207.B3413 2018
June 4, 2018
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Hello, Hello
PZ8.3.W4653 He 2018 - Islandborn
PZ7.D5442 Isl 2018 - Big Foot and Little Foot
PZ7.P8518 bi 2018 - The Bat Can Bat: A Book of Homonyms
PZ7.B275366 Bat 2018 - The Gingerbread Man and the Leprechaun Loose at School
PZ8.3.M9368 Ge 2018 - Big Brown Bear's Cave
PZ7.Z774 Big 2018 - Bears and Blossoms
PZ8.3 P16244 Bb 2018 - Grains of Sand
PZ7.D36973 Gr 2018
May 18, 2018
IRC Hours Update

May 17, 2018
Main Collection: Education
The following books have been added to the library's main circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the main floor of the library or in the regular location.
May 16, 2018
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- I Walk With Vanessa
PZ7.K452 Iaw 2018 - Pignic
PZ7.P44882 Pi 2018 - Piggy: Let's Be Friends
PZ7.L1563 Pik 2018 - Festival of Colors
PZ7.S4544 Fe 2018 - They Say Blue
PZ7.T18687 Th 2018 - Grow
PZ7.P7124 Gr 2018 - A Most Unusual Day
PZ7.M2947 Som 2018
May 14, 2018
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- The Place Between Breaths
PZ7.A51822 Pl 2018 - I Have Lost My Way
PZ7.F75876 Iah 2017 - Not if I Save You First
PZ7.C24263 No 2018
May 10, 2018
IRC Hours Update

A complete list of IRC hours and updates is available on our web site: IRC Hours & Updates.
May 7, 2018
IRC Summer Hours
The IRC's summer hours schedule begins today, Monday, May 7th. Exceptions to our regular summer hours, including holidays, are detailed on the IRC Hours & Updates page on the IRC web site.
IRC Summer Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8 am to 5 pm
Friday: 8 am to 1 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
The IRC is closed daily from 1 pm to 2 pm for lunch.
May 5, 2018
May 3, 2018
IRC Hours Update:

A complete list of IRC hours and updates is available on our web site: IRC Hours & Updates.
May 1, 2018
IRC Hours Update

Update: Library Database Access
On-Campus access to EBSCO (Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Education Research Complete), Gale (Virtual Reference Library), and ProQuest (Dissertations, Ebook Central) databases has been restored.
A full list of library databases is available on the library web site. Contact the reference (x5402) desk if you have any questions regarding database access issues.
A full list of library databases is available on the library web site. Contact the reference (x5402) desk if you have any questions regarding database access issues.
Library Database Access
On-Campus access to AU Library databases is temporarily unavailable. We are aware of the problem and working with IT to restore access as soon as possible.
Please note, off-Campus database access is available.
Please note, off-Campus database access is available.
April 30, 2018
IRC Spotlight: Games
Need a study break?
Of course you do ...
Did you know we have games in the IRC materials kit collection?
We have Life, Jenga, Monopoly, Battleship, Clue, Backgammon (+ Chess & Checkers), 5 Second Rule, Logo, and two versions of Trivial Pursuit (2000s & Star Wars). These items circulate for a period of one week. Check out our Pinterest site (see below) for additional items of interest ... like Twister and Sorry.
Take them back to your room and enjoy!
Of course you do ...
Did you know we have games in the IRC materials kit collection?
We have Life, Jenga, Monopoly, Battleship, Clue, Backgammon (+ Chess & Checkers), 5 Second Rule, Logo, and two versions of Trivial Pursuit (2000s & Star Wars). These items circulate for a period of one week. Check out our Pinterest site (see below) for additional items of interest ... like Twister and Sorry.
Take them back to your room and enjoy!
IRC & Library Materials
Be sure to return borrowed library materials, IRC resources, and especially OhioLINK items, before leaving campus for summer.
Returning after hours? There is a book drop located on the library ground floor, near the UPS pick up area. Keep in mind, IRC kits and big books will NOT fit in the book return. Return these items during regular library operating hours.
Returning after hours? There is a book drop located on the library ground floor, near the UPS pick up area. Keep in mind, IRC kits and big books will NOT fit in the book return. Return these items during regular library operating hours.
April 28, 2018
IRC Sunday Hours: Extended

April 27, 2018
IRC Hours Update: 4/27

April 26, 2018
Juvenile Books: YA Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Sam & Ilsa's Last Hurrah
PZ7.C6665 Sam 2018 - Live in Infamy: A Companion to the Only Thing to Fear
PZ7.R39867 Li 2018 - Ghost Boys
PZ7.R3476235 Gho 2018
April 25, 2018
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Island at the End of Everything
PZ7.H2223 Isl 2018 - You Go First
PZ7.K2942 You 2018 - Macy McMillan and the Rainbow Goddess
PZ7.5.G74 Mac 2017
April 24, 2018
Juvenile Books: Fiction
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- My Kite is Stuck! And Other Stories
PZ7.Y817 My 2017 - There Was an Old Mermaid Who Swallowed a Shark
PZ8.3.C6654 Tk 2018
Juvenile Books: Non-fiction
The following book has been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find it shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in its regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Crash: The Fall and Rise of America in the 1930s
E806.F269 2018
April 23, 2018
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- Hello, Lighthouse
PZ7.B5319 Hel 2018 - I Got It!
PZ7.W6367 Iag 2018 - Sometimes You Fly
PZ8.3 .A558 So 2018 - Field
PZ7.P2783423 Fl 2018 - Honey
PZ7.S8179 Hon 2018 - Alma and How She Got Her Name
PZ7.M367153 Alm 2018
April 19, 2018
Questions? Ask the IRC
Have you used Questions? Ask the IRC?
Our chat service is staffed by the curriculum librarian and Instructional Resource Center student workers. We can help with general information and questions about the IRC, collections, juvenile books, equipment, and hours.
Did you know you could text the IRC?
Text the IRC at 419.938.4134, standard messaging rates will apply.
IRC text questions will be answered during regular Ask the IRC hours. Text inquiries sent after scheduled hours will be answered the following business day.
The IRC and AU Library share a text number. Non-IRC related text questions may be referred to circulation or reference staff as needed.
Phone icon by Madebyoliver from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
April 17, 2018
COM 474 Public Relations Campaign
The Instructional Resource Center is excited to be a client for a "student agency team of Ashland University's Public Relations Campaigns course for the spring semester of 2018." Our PR team, Anthony Snider, Morgan Badenhop, and Ricardo Loera, has developed a three-pronged approach for promoting the IRC; social media and Twitter using the hashtag #IRCashland, table tents in Convo, and tear-off signs in Dwight Schar College of Education. Hope to see you soon.
Not following the IRC on Twitter (psst, you should be)? Follow the hashtag here:
#IRCashland Tweets
Not following the IRC on Twitter (psst, you should be)? Follow the hashtag here:
April 16, 2018
IRC Spotlight: Poetry Month
National Poetry Month
April is National Poetry Month -
or rather, National Poet Tree Month.
The IRC white board display features poets and poetry in children's literature. Our 'poet tree' highlights poetry picture books and poets available in the juvenile collection. Interested in learning more about the leaves and books on our tree? Stop in the IRC, we can help you find them.
Additional poetry month books area available on the IRC's National Poetry Month board on Pinterest. It includes juvenile & YA poetry and poetry collections.
April is National Poetry Month -
or rather, National Poet Tree Month.
The IRC white board display features poets and poetry in children's literature. Our 'poet tree' highlights poetry picture books and poets available in the juvenile collection. Interested in learning more about the leaves and books on our tree? Stop in the IRC, we can help you find them.
Additional poetry month books area available on the IRC's National Poetry Month board on Pinterest. It includes juvenile & YA poetry and poetry collections.
April 6, 2018
New Ellison Dies
The following new Ellison Dies have been added to the IRC collection. Visit the IRC on Pinterest to view all of our available Ellison dies and alphabets.
Need help using a double cut die? Ask in the IRC, we can show you how it works.
Interested in what borders we have available? Preview our Ellison Borders board below.
- Circles, 1" set of 9
- Border, City Scape
- Border, Paw Prints
- Border, Ivy
- Border, Bookworm
Need help using a double cut die? Ask in the IRC, we can show you how it works.
Interested in what borders we have available? Preview our Ellison Borders board below.
April 4, 2018
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
The following books have been added to the juvenile circulating collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display on the second floor, directly outside of the IRC, or in their regular location within the juvenile collection.
- I Can Be Anything! Don't Tell me I Can't
PZ7.D57917 Iak 2017 - Busy Creatures Day Eating
PZ7.W65535 Bus 2018 - King & Kayla and the Case of the Missing Dog Treats
PZ7.B9759 Kin 2017 - This is the Nest That Robin Built
PZ8.3.F6378 Th 2018 - Seb and the Sun
PZ7.G367 Seb 2018 - Teddy's Favorite Toy
PZ7.T73538 Ted 2018 - Old Hat
PZ7.G77577 Ol 2018 - Noodleheads See the Future
PZ7.A7379 Nu 2017 - Baby Monkey, Private Eye
PZ7.S4654 Bab 2018 - Natsumi!
PZ7.L5384 Nat 2018 - I'm a Duck
PZ8.3 .B92 Imd 2018 - Funeral
PZ7.J154178 Fun 2018
April 2, 2018
Juvenile Collection: New Book Area
New Books! New Books!
Looking for one (or more) of the new children's books recently posted to the IRC blog? All new titles added to the juvenile collection, both fiction and non-fiction, are initially shelved in the new book area on the second floor. Once a book circulates, it is shelved with the main juvenile collection.
Problems locating a new book?
Ask in the Instructional Resource Center, we can help you find one of our new books, or any other IRC and juvenile collection item.
New Books
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