Last spring the curriculum textbooks,
big books,
book kits, and award titles (Caldecott & Newbery) on the second floor were shifted in preparation for expansion of the juvenile collection. The collection shift project began last week and is planned through the fall 2014 and spring 2015 term. Children's books will remain on the second floor; the collection footprint will be expanded into the empty stacks directly behind big books, book kits, and award books.
During this project, juvenile books will be evaluated and a variety of dated, damaged, and titles that are no longer relevant will be withdrawn. Doing so, especially within the non-fiction portion of the collection, will help focus resources and provide updated titles for classroom use. Some withdrawn titles will be moved to the special books collection (as warranted), most will be made available to students on the free book carts located on the library main floor.
New books, fiction and non-fiction, continue to be added to the juvenile collection; new items are placed on the second floor new book shelves when shelf ready and corresponding blog posts published here. If you need help locating a book, be sure to stop in the IRC for assistance.
Thanks for your patience during this project. And please, pardon our dust (we will keep the noise down).