There is a new copy machine on the library second floor, it replaces the old venda-card compliant machine. Located directly outside the IRC, the copier is available to COE students during field experiences.
Instructors will notify students regarding number of copies available. Students are responsible for knowing their user name and ID number; number of copies assigned and remaining; and for logging out of the copy machine when finished.
Copier Access FAQs:
- Students will be notified by their course instructors regarding a start date for copy machine access.
- Username is your Ashland University email ID (without the
- ID number / password is your seven digit Ashland University ID (do not use au- in front of the number).
- Number of copies used and available will display on the bottom left corner of the main screen after each successful login (i.e. 52/200 means 52 of allotted 200 copies have been used).
- Students are required to log out of the copier at the end of every session.
- When quota is exhausted, students will not receive additional copies.
- All user accounts will be disabled two weeks after the end of each semester.
Instructional posters are available with the copy machine providing quick tips for usage and usage FAQs. Additional information is available on the
IRC Services & Price List web page.