- Beaver is Lost
PZ10.3.C779 Be 2010 - A Fabulous Fair Alphabet
PZ7.F8654 Fab 2010 - It's a Book
PZ7.S6538 Its 2010 - Wonder Horse: The True Story of the World's Smartest Horse
PZ7.M478415 Wo 2010 - Flora's Very Windy Day
PZ7.B51197 fl 2010 - Brontorina
PZ7.H83727 Br 2010 - City Dog, Country Frog
PZ7.W65535 Cit 2010 - Buzz
PZ7.S7566 Bu 2010 - Mama, Is It Summer Yet?
PZ7.M1342 Mam 2010
August 31, 2010
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
Juvenile Books: Picture Books
- Lots of Spots
QL759.E38 2010 - Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night
PS3569.I295 D37 2010
August 30, 2010
Update: EBSCO Access
Thank you for your patience.
August 29, 2010
Bradford Network: On campus access
We recommend you access databases through the OhioLINK web site.
This may or may not be a result of the new Bradford Network system. View the IT FAQ brochure to learn more. Please note the following update for returning students using the old Bradford Network system:
ATTENTION RETURNING STUDENTS: BEFORE you connect your computer to our network using wired OR wireless, you MUST UNINSTALL the Bradford Persistent Agent.-- IT FAQ Page
Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this problem.
Post originally published on the AU Library News Blog.
August 27, 2010
IRC Hours

The Instructional Resource Center is open on Saturday from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and Sunday from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. The IRC hours and updates calendar is posted on the IRC web site.
August 20, 2010
August 16, 2010
IRC Hours Update: August 16-20
- Monday, 8/16 - closed noon - 2 pm
- Thursday, 8/19 - closed noon - 2 pm
The library and IRC close at 5:00 pm this week.
August 6, 2010
IRC Hours Update
A complete schedule of IRC hours is available on the IRC web site.

August 3, 2010
Campus Wide Power Outage Scheduled
"On Thursday, August 5, there will be a scheduled campus wide power outage from 10 p.m. to 12 midnight for Ohio Edison service on the main substation. All campus buildings except the senior apartments will be without electricity (designated emergency power circuits in Kettering Sciences will run off the generator). In addition, all phone and information technology services (email, Angel, Internet access, etc.) will also be unavailable starting at 9 p.m. and will be back online early Friday morning following restoration of power." -8/3/10
The entire campus network system will be unavailable during this time. Systems affected include, but are not limited to, Angel, WebAdvisor, Exchange Email, Internet access, network printing, network file systems, Kronos, Datatel/Colleague, and Cbord.