Academic Library Association of Ohio's (ALAO)
Curriculum Materials Center Interest Group (CMCIG) will be holding it's annual spring workshop at Ashland University this May.
In addition to the featured keaynote speaker, Lou Staffilino, Associate Superintendent, ODE ,
Dr. Deanna Romano, AU Assistant Professor and
Diane Schrecker, AU Curriculum Librarian, will be presenting a session on 2.0 technologies and the classroom.
Realigning the CMC to the Governor’s
Pre K – 12 Education Plan
21st Century Skillsand Discovery Learning
Friday, May 15, 2009
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Ronk Lecture Hall
# 138Dwight Schar College of Education
Ashland University, Ashland, OH 44805
This workshop will feature Lou Staffilino, Associate Superintendent, ODE – presenting the Governor’s Pre K-12 education plan with time for questions and answers.
Other sessions will include:
- Realigning Science Instruction using Science Materials by FOSS and Delta Education
- Realigning Math Instruction using Everyday Mathematics by Wright Group McGraw Hill
- Realigning Teacher Education using 2.0 Technologies to meet 21st Century Skills
- Realigning the CMC with New Titles and New Presentation of the Collection
ALAO Members $30.00
Non-Members $60.00
Registration deadline: May 8, 2009
No refunds after: May 11, 2009
Registration includes continental breakfast and lunch.
Registration forms are available @ http://library.centralstate.edu/
Please make checks payable to ALAO and mail with a copy of the registration to:
A. Carolyn Sanders
P.O. Box 1006
Hallie Q. Brown Memorial Library
Central State University
Wilberforce, Ohio 45384