- The secret Olivia told me
PZ8.3.J785 Se 2007 - Come fly with me
PZ7.I16 Co 2008 - Boris and the snoozebox
PZ7.H668 Bor 2008 - Dog and Bear: two's company
PZ7.S4514 Dt 2008 - Yuki's ride home
PZ7.T284 Yu 2008 - Duck
PZ7.C311 Duc 2008 - Let's eat! = A comer!
PZ73.M638 2007 - Hello, Day!
PZ7.L7794 He 2008
April 29, 2008
Juvenile Fiction
Juvenile Books
- Sisters & brothers: sibling relationships in the animal world
QL49 .J456 2008 - How do we elect our leaders?
JK1978 .T56 2008 - A boy named Beckoning: the true story of Dr. Carlos Montezuma, Native American hero
E99 .Y5 M65 2008 - How we know what we know about our changing climate: scientists and kids explore global warming
QC981.8.C5 C475 2008 - Environmental disasters
GE146.W66 2008
April 28, 2008
Juvenile Books
- Six innings: a game in the life
PZ7.P915 Si 2008 - One voice, please: favorite read-aloud stories
PZ8.1.M133 On 2008 - Clementine's letter
PZ7.P3856 Cll 2008 - Elvis & Olive
PZ7.W3295 El 2008
Juvenile Books
- How not to be popular
PZ7.Z494 How 2008 - You know where to find me
PZ7.C6665 You 2008 - Sunrise over Fallujah
PZ7.M992 Su 2008
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novel
- The magical life of Long Tack Sam
GV 1545.L66 F54 2007 - Clan Apis
QL565.2 .H68 2007
AU Circulating
- House rules: a memoir
HV6626.52 .S6349 2008
April 25, 2008
Juvenile Books: Dean Collection
- Otto's orange day: a toon book
PN 6727.C28 O88 2008 - Point blank: the graphic novel
PN6747.H67 Po 2007 - Kaput & Zosky
PN6747.T76 K3713 2008 - Silly Lilly and the four seasons: a toon book
PN6747.R67 S513 2008 - Sound off!
PN6727.S688 S68 2008
Juvenile Books: Dean Collection
- Lucky monkey, unlucky monkey: a story
PZ7.K115 Luc 2008 - Old MacDonald had a farm
PZ8.3.C122 OK 2008 - Mouse island
PZ7.B91527 Mou 2008 - Big Bad Bunny
PZ7.B4985 Big 2008 - Help me, Mr. Mutt! Expert answers for dogs with people problems
PZ7.S84453 He 2008 - The storyteller's candle
PZ73.G66 st 2008
Juvenile Books: Dean Collection
- Down to the bone
PZ7.D701 Do 2008 - Did Fleming rescue Chruchill? A research puzzle
PZ7.G3392 Di 2008 - Rex Zero, the king of nothing
PZ7.W993 Rg 2008 - Deep down popular
PZ7.S879 De 2008
Juvenile Books: Dean Collection
- Down to the bone
PZ7.D701 Do 2008
Juvenile Books: Dean Collection
- Imaginary menagerie: a book of curious creatures
PS3562.A7233 I63 2008 - The surrender tree: poems of Cuba's struggle for freedom
PS3555.N4254 S87 2008 - Keeping the night watch
PZ7.5.S522 Kee 2008
April 23, 2008
AU Circulating: Education
- Beyond words: grades 1-2
LC3993.27 .L57 2003 - The world turned upside down: the American Revolution
E208.W67 2003 - The 1920s in America: A decade of tensions: grades 6-7
E784.A13 2003 - Nuclear energy, friend or foe? Examining nuclear power from a systems perspective
HD9698.U52 N785 2007 - Primary sources and historical analysis: A social studeis unit for high ability learners, grades 9-10
H62.5.U5 G74 2006 - The Renaissance and Reformation in Europe: A social studies unit for high ability learners, grades 9-10
CB361 .R364 2005 - Road to the White House: Electing the American president: grades 6-8
JK528.R56 2003 - The 1930s in America: facing depression
E801.N56 2003 - Patterns of change: a language arts unit for high ability learners in grades 4-6
LB1575.8 .P38 2003 - Utopia: man's changing ideas of the ideal: a language arts unit for grades 7-9
LC3993.27 .Y43 1997 - Patterns of change: cycles in literature and in the world around us: A language arts unit for grades 4-6
LC3993.27 .P64 1997 - Ancient Egypt: gift of the Nile
DT83 .A68 2003 - Building a new system: Colonial America, 1607-1763
E188.B93 2003 - Ancient China: the Middle Kingdom
DS747.37 .A53 2003
AU Circulating: Main Library Oversized
- Kirby: king of comics
PN6727.K57 E93 2008
New Books: Juvenile Collection

Looking for a juvenile book posted here? Check the juvenile stacks outside of the IRC on the second floor.
Looking for a circulating book posted here? Check the new book shelf on the main floor of the library (and then it's regular location).
Looking for new books? Don't worry, new juvenile titles will be added to the new book area as they arrive during the summer term.
April 22, 2008
Library Hours Update
Beginning Monday, April 21st, the library will remain open until 2:00 a.m. on the following selected days providing study spaces and computers for interested students:
Week of April 21stMonday - Thursday, April 24th
7:45 am to 2:00 am
Week of April 27th
Sunday, 1;00 pm to 2:00 am
Monday - Thursday, 7:45 am to 2:00 am
Week of May 4th
Sunday 1:00 pm to 2:00 am
Monday - Wednesday, 7:45 am to 2:00 am
Please note that library services, such as reference assistance, circulation, and reserves, are not available during extended hours.
Extended hours do not apply to the Instructional Resource Center; color printing will not be available on the second floor during extended hours.
An extended hours calendar is available on the library web page.
AU Circulating: Main Library Oversized
- A life drawing
PR6058.U368 Z685 2002
Earth Day 2008
"Earth Day is a time to celebrate gains we have made and create new visions to accelerate environmental progress. Earth Day is a time to unite around new actions. Earth Day and every day is a time to act to protect our planet." - Earth Day.gov
Juvenile Book Resources:
- Earth Day-hooray
QA141.M87 2004 - Earth Day
GE195.5 .A57 2001 - The Lorax
PZ8.3.G276 Lo 1971 - Where once there was a wood
QL59.F58 1996 - One grain of sand: a lullaby
PZ8.3.S4505 On 2002 - How we know what we know about our changing climate: scientists and kids explore global warming
QC981.8.C5 C475 2008 - An inconvenient truth: the crisis of global warming
QC981.8.G56 G67 2007 - The down-to-earth guide to global warming
QC981.8.G56 D38 2007 - Endangered planet
GF 75.B87 2004 - Oceans: how we use the seas
GC21.5.D47 2008 - Tropical forests
QH541.5.R27 A45 2006 - Earth Mother
PZ7.J13247 Ea 2005
- The best holiday crafts ever
ACTIV Holi 1997 - Plays around the year: more than 20 thematic plays for the classroom
ACTIV Plays 1994 Gr. 1-3
Video & DVD Resources:
- Magic school bus in the rain forest
VC 1464 - An inconvenienet truth
DVD 0400 - Dimming the sun
DVD 0478 - Suess celebration (The Lorax)
DVD 0347 - Future conditional
DVD 0337 - The state of the planet
DVD 0338
- Earth Day: US Government Portal
- Celebrate Earth Day: US Environmental Protection Agency
- Earth Day 2008: The Wilderness Society
- Envirolink Resource Guide: Earth Day 2008
- History of Earth Day: US Environmental Protection Agency
- Scholastic News: Earth Day
"For several years, it had been troubling me that the state of our environment was simply a non-issue in the politics of the country." - EnviroLink, How the First Earth Day Came About, by Senator Gaylord Nelson
Juvenile Books
- The Penderwicks on Gardam Street
PZ7.B51197 Pen 2008 - Me, the missing, and the dead
PZ7.V252 Me 2008 - The boy who dared
PZ7.B2844 Boy 2008
AU Circulating: Recreational
- All souls
PS3569.C55555 A45 2008 - Hold tight
PS3553.O225 H65 2008
Juvenile Books
- Timothy and the strong pajamas: a superhero adventure
PZ7.S4114 Tim 2008 - Mary had a little lamp
PZ8.3.L487 Mar 2008 - Alfred's nose
PZ7.F6274 Alf 2008 - Here a face, there a face
PZ8.3.A42 He 2008 - Cork & Fuzz: the collectors
PZ7.C342 Cot 2008
AU Circulating
- A people's history of American empire: a graphic adaptation
E183.7 .Z56 2008
Juvenile Books
April 10, 2008
Leveled Book Kits

- Water's Way
Book Kit 080 - Earth Alive!
Book Kit 081 - Volcano: The Eruption and Healing of Mount St. Helens
Book 082
For more information on IRC book kits, check out the Instructional Resource Center web site, IRC: Leveled Book Kits. As additional book kits are leveled, notices will be posted on the IRC blog.
"Each leveled kit has a label placed on the bottom right corner indicating suggested reading levels; included are grade and stage (emergent, early, early fluent, and fluent), F & P (Fountas and Pinnell), and Directed Reading Assessment (DRA). A handout is provided with leveled kits and describes criteria." (IRC Web Page)
Tags: Ashland University Library, Ashland University Library Instructional Resource Center, Curriculum materials center, Book kits
Juvenile Books
- Arabella Miller's tiny caterpiller
PZ7.J315 Ara 2008 - A couple of boys have the best week ever
PZ7.F866 Cou 2008 - Chuck's band
PZ8.3.A5484 Chb 2008 - Priscilla and the hollyhocks
PZ7.B8244 Pr 2008 - Little ballet star
PZ7.G29354 Lit 2008 - Seamore, the very forgetful porpoise
PZ7.E242 Se 2008 - What pet to get?
PZ7.D6626 Wha 2008 - Waking Beauty
PZ8.3.W6587 Wak 2008 - Stuck in the mud
PZ8.3C548 St 2008 - LaRue for mayor: letters from the campaign trail
PZ7.T2193 Lar 2008 - The hope chest
PZ7.S3988 Ho 2008 - Grump groan growl
PZ7.H7663 Gru 2008 - Count on Culebra: go from 1 to 10 in Spanish
PZ7.P27833 Co 2008 - Christopher counting
PZ7.G6475 Chr 2008
Juvenile Books
- Trouble
PZ7.S3527 Tro 2008 - Tunnels
PZ7.G6591 Tu 2008 - Breathe my name
PZ7.N4358 Bre 2007
Juvenile Books
- The Willoughbys
PZ7.L9673 Wi 2008 - Keeping score
PZ7.P22115 Ke 2008 - Ringside, 1925: views from the Scopes trial: a novel
PZ7.5.B792 Rin 2008 - Diary of a wimpy kid: Rodrick rules
PZ7.K6232 Dir 2008
Juvenile Books
- We are one
PZ8.3.B248 We 2008 - America at war
PS595.W36 A45 2008
Juvenile Books
- Blue 2: a pop-up book for children of all ages
GV1507.P47 C27 2006 - One red dot: a pop-up book for children of all ages
QA113.C3779 2005 - Horton hears a Who!: a pop-up
PZ8.3.G276 Hwh 2008
Juvenile Books
- Human body
QP37.C315 2007 - Riding to Washington
F200.S93 2008 - Go, go America
E180.Y24 2008 - Finding home
QL737.M384 M26 2008 - Farmer George plants a nation
E312.5.T54 2008
Juvenile Books
Laminator Repaired
New film will not change the pricing already in place for the laminator.
April 9, 2008
Roll-Top Laminator
AU Circulating
- Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 illustrated
TK5105.8885.D74 B57 2008 - Anatomy of a lawsuit: what every education leader should know about legal actions
KF4119.8.E3 S54 2006 - Have you found her: a memoir
HV1437.N5 E76 2008
Message from Campus IT
Going forward, the Office of Information Technologies will NEVER ask for your password or other confidential information via email.
Many universities are being targeted by e-mails masquerading as the IT help desk requesting users' passwords. These scams are referred to as phishing attacks. A phishing attack is when you receive an official-looking e-mail from a financial institution, employer, or service provider. The e-mail states that you should click a link and confirms your login and password to this particular institution. These e-mails often link to pages that look official, but do not have the correct web address.
Never trust an e-mail that asks for your user name or password. You should never send passwords or other confidential information via e-mail.
If you have any questions or doubts, do not respond to a suspect email. Contact our Help Desk via phone (419) 289-5045 or visit us in-person at 100 Patterson Hall.
To understand or learn more about this subject, click here.
April 7, 2008
AU Circulating: General
- Party crashing: how the hip-hop generation declared political independence
E185.G55 2008 - Using interactive technologies in libraries
Z674.75.I58 U85 2007
April 3, 2008
AU Circulating: DVD
April 2, 2008
Juvenile Books
- The seer of shadows
PZ7 .A953 Sf 2008 - The disreputable history of Frandie Landau-Banks: a novel
PZ7.L7975 Dis 2008 - SketchesPZ7.W1715 Sk 2008
- Greetings from nowhere
PZ7.O217 Gre 2008 - Life is fine
PZ7.W6179 Li 2007
Juvenile Books
- Tupelo rides the rails
PZ7.S9744 Tup 2008 - Very improbable story: a math adventure
PZ7.E345 Ve 2008
April 1, 2008
Scholastic Book Fair: Gault Family Learning Center
Gault Family Learning Center
716 Beall Avenue
Wooster, OH 44691
Scholastic Book Warehouse Sale
50% off Cover/Retail Price
Wednesday, April 16th - Noon to 8 pm
Thursday, April 17th - 10 am to 6 pm
Friday, April 18 - 10 am to 2 pm
Flyers for this event are available in the IRC. For more information, please contact the Gault Family Learning Center (330) 263-8912.
* This posting is for informational purposes only; the event is not sponsored by or affiliated with the IRC, Ashland University Library, or Ashland University.