- Jellaby
PN6728.J4 S66 2008 - Amulet: Book 1, The stonekeeper
PZ7.7.K53 Am 2008
February 21, 2008
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novel
AU Recreational
- Mary modern: a novel
PS3604.E159 M379 2007 - The amnesia clinic
PR6119.C39 A46 2006
AU Recreational: Alex Award
- Name of the wind: the kingkiller chronicle: day one
PS3618.O8685 N36 2007
Juvenile Books
Juvenile Books
- The London Eye mystery
PZ7.D7538 Lo 2008 - The invisible
PZ7.W1269 In 2007 - Bifocal
PZ7.E469 Bi 2007
Juvenile Books: Dean Collection
- Nicholas and the gang
PZ7.G6759 Nia 2007 - Brendan Buckley's universe and everything in it
PZ7.F8715 Bre 2007
Juvenile Books: Dean Collection
- Twelve rounds to glory: the story of Muhammad Ali
GV1132.A44 S65 2007 - Spiders
QL458.4 .B58 2007
February 18, 2008
Horn Book Newsletter

"Be the first on your block to sign up! Each free and non-spam-generating issue of our new monthly newsletter, debuting the first week of March, highlights a small stack of new children's books of particular interest to parents and other adults who just need a little Horn Book help at the library or bookstore. In the March issue I interview Jon Scieszka, review some books about nature, spot some sequels, and answer some totally made-up questions in the advice column. Pass it on." - Read Roger, Notes from the Horn Book, 2/15/08
Juvenile Books
- Girl overboard
PZ7.H3424 Gir 2008 - How they met, and other stories
PZ7.L5798 Ho 2008 - Sweethearts: a novel
PZ7.Z267 Swe 2008 - Big fat manifesto
PZ7.V467 Big 2008 - Unwind
PZ7.S55987 Unw 2007 - Thank you, Lucky Stars
PZ7.D7222 Tha 2008 - Deadline
PZ7.C89 De 2007 - Airman
PZ7.C677475 Ai 2008
Juvenile Books
- Eleven
PZ7.G3626 El 2008 - Indian tales
PZ8.1.N155 In 2007
Juvenile Books
- One city, two brothers
PZ8.1 .S6482 One 2007 - The light of the world: the life of Jesus for children
BT302 .P38 2008
Juvenile Books
- Prying eyes: privacy in the twentieth-first century
JC596 .K84 2008
Juvenile Books
- D is for drinking gourd: an African American alphabet
E185 .S17 2007 - The book of mermaids
GR910 .S29 2005
February 14, 2008
AU Recreational
- Pyres
PS3614.I54 P97 2007
Juvenile Books
- Apples & oranges: going bananas with pairs
PZ7.P6349 Ap 2008 - Not a stick
PZ7.P8362 Nos 2008 - Princess Baby
PZ7.K15745 Pr 2008 - Jazz baby
OPZ8.3.W5663 Jaz 2007 - The golden rule
PZ7.C7858 Gol 2007 - Princess Grace
PZ7.H67562 Pr 2008 - Woolbur
PZ7.H37275 Woo 2008 - No English
PZ7.J9298 No 2007 - Good enough to eat
PZ7.C67342 Go 2007 - Those shoes
PZ7.B6338 Tho 2007 - Presidents' Day
PZ7.R5943 Pre 2008
AU Circulating
- Petropolis
PS3621.L44 P48 2007 - Like trees, walking
PS3608.O93 L55 2007
AU Recreational: Alex Award
- American Shaolin: flying kicks, buddhist monks, and the legend of the irn crotch: an odyssey in the new China
GV1100.7.A2 P65 2007
This book is one of the 2008 Alex Award winning titles.
IRC Reference
- The ultimate teen book guide
Z1037.A1 U44 2008
AU Circulating
- The nine: inside the secret world of the Supreme Court
KF8748.T66 2007 - Ocean of Air: Why the wind blows and other mysteries of the atmosphere
QC855.W35 2007 - 1 dead in the attic: after Katrina
HV636 2005.L8 R67 2007 - Persian girls: a memoir
PS3568 .A244 Z46 2006
AU Circulating: Graphic Novel
- Students for a Democratic Society: a graphic history
LA229.P395 2008 - Understanding comics: the invisible art
PN6710 .M335 1994 - Graphic Classics: bram Stoker
PN6737.S76 B73 2007
Juvenile Books: Graphic Novel
- Artemis Fowl: the graphic novel
PN6790.I72 C65 2007b
Juvenile Books: Dean Collection
- Repossessed
PZ7.J41315 Rep 2007 - Los Gatos black on Halloween
PZ8.3.M775 Gat 2006
February 12, 2008
IRC Hours: Weather Update

At this time, no interruption of library hours and services are expected; please call to verify the library is open before coming to campus (419-289-5406)."All undergraduate and graduate evening classes, including those at the Elyria campus, are canceled for tonight. Evening classes are those after 4 p.m. and the cancellation includes classes at the Ashland Campus, Ashland Theological Seminary, Medina Center, Columbus Center, Massillon/Stark Center and Cleveland Center."
- AU Weather Conditions
February 11, 2008
2008 Outstanding International Books
"Our committee ended up reading 380 books published in 2007 in an effort to narrow down the best of children’s literature from other nations—books that introduce American readers to outstanding artists and writers from other countries, help them see the world from other points of view, and provide a perspective or topic that was otherwise missing from children’s literature in the United States." - C. Angus, SLJ, 2/1/08
The full list is avaialbe from SLJ online, via AU library's Academic Search Complete database (off campus authentication required), and from SLJ in the library periodical stacks.
The following titles are featured in the 2008 list and are part of the library juvenile collection:
- Mistik Lake
PZ7.B7975 Mis 2007 - One whole and perfect day
PZ7.C55365 On 2007 - Pretty Salma: a Little Red Riding Hood story from Africa
PZ8.D17 Pr 2007 - The strongest man in the world
GV545.52.C97 D43 2007 - Angel Isle
PZ7.D562 An 2007 - Igraine the brave
PZ7.F96624 Ig 2007 - The falconer's know: a story of friars, flirtation and foul play
PZ7.H67562 Fal 2007 - Tamar
PZ7.P3564 Tam 2007 - A darkling plain: a novel
PZ7.R25576 Dar 2007 - Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
PZ7.R79835 Hald 2007 - Hugo Pepper
PZ7.S84975 Hug 2007 - The arrival
PZ7.T16123 Ar 2007 - The new policeman
PZ7.T371598 Ne 2007 - Hitler's canary
PZ7.T5734 Hit 2007 - Candyfloss
PZ7.W6957 Can 2007 - Rex Zero and the end of the world
PZ7.W993 Rex 2007
For more information: USBBY United States Board on Books for Young People. "The United States Board on Books for Young People (USBBY) serves as the U.S. national section of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), which was founded to promote international understanding and good will through books for children and teenagers."
February 9, 2008
AU Circulating
AU Circulating: Juvenile Literature
Juvenile Books
- A ticket to ride: a novel
PZ7.M478712 Tic 2008
AU Circulating: General
- Fanon
PS3573.I26 F36 2008
AU Circulating
- This book contains graphic language: comics as literature
PN6714 .V47 2007
February 6, 2008
AU Recreational: Alex Awards
- The God of animals: a novel
PS3611.Y55 G63 2007 - The Spellman files
PS3612.U897 S67 2007 - The night birds
PS3613.A524 N54 2007 - Genghis: birth of an empire
PR6109.G47 G46 2007 - Bad monkeys
PS3568.U3615 B33 2007 - Mister Pip
PR9639.3.J644 M57 2007
"YALSA, the fastest-growing division of the American Library Association, named the recipients of the 2008 Alex Awards, ten adult books with specific teen appeal. The awards, sponsored by Booklist, were announced at the 2008 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia, January 11-16." - Alex Awards, YALSA, ALA
Juvenile Books
- Hippo goes bananas!
PZ7.M9635 Hi 2006
Juvenile Books
- A new beginning: celebrating the spring equinox
GT4995.V4 P54 2008 - Stand tall, Abe Lincoln
E457.905 .S68 2008
Juvenile Books
- The redheaded princess
PZ7.R459 Red 2008 - Skulduggery Pleasant
PZ7.L2319 Sku 2007
Juvenile Books
- Women daredevils: thrills, chills, and frills
GV1839 .C86 2008
AU Circulating: Graphic novel
- Nothing better Vol. 1, No place like home
PN6727.P344 N68 2007
Juvenile Books: Dean Collection
- First the egg
QH491 .S43 2007
AU Circulating: Education
- Intercultural student teaching: a bridge to global competence
LB2157 .A3 I57 2007