- Be quiet, Marina!
PZ7.D3526 Be 2001 - Moses sees a play
PZ7.M63954 Mu 2004 - Andy and his yellow frisbee
PZ7.T37168 An 1996 - The Alphabet War : a story about dyslexia
PZ7.R53215 Al 2004 - Trudi & Pia
PZ7.H35925 Tr 2003 - Babu's song
PZ7.S9418 Bab 2003 - Nathan's wish: a story about cerebral palsy
PZ7.L46365 Nat 2005
Specific disabilities, such as autism, deaf children, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, blindness, wheelchairs, sign language, and dyslexia may be located with catalog searches utilizing subject heading 'topic name' - juvenile fiction or 'topic name'- juvenile literature.